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Valdez Visitor Information   Bed & Breakfast Association of Alaska





Situated at the beginning of the Richardson Highway, Valdez, a small community of about 4000 people is nestled among the Chugach Mountains. It has appropriately been labeled the "Little Switzerland of Alaska." Valdez has experienced a history of boom or bust starting with the 1898 Gold Rush, the 1964 Earthquake, the building of the 800 miles trans-Alaska pipeline in the early '70's and of course, the l989 oil spill. This little town is a "survivor" and is strong and thriving today.

The community is proud to offer many attractions for the thousands of visitors who come to our city every summer. Our fishing is outstanding, our tours to Columbia Glacier are spectacular, the tour of the Alyeska Pipeline Terminal is very informative, and the hiking, berry picking, shopping, sea kayaking, white water rafting are only a few of the many other things to see and do.

Valdez offers full services with restaurants, gas stations, post office, hotels, many affordable and excellent B&B's, grocery stores, camper parks and the Alaska State Ferry Terminal which is part of the Marine Highway connecting Valdez, Cordova, Whittier, Seward and now, Juneau. We also host the World Extreme Skiing Event every April.

Our average yearly snowfall is 350 inches and our summer temperatures range from 60-75 degrees.

--Joanne LaRue 

Valdez Bed & Breakfast Association

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