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1. NAME: This organization is officially named the KEEN EYE PENINSULA BIRDERS.

2 . PURPOSE: KEEN EYE PENINSULA BIRDERS is a nonprofit organization whose main objectives are:

a. To share collective knowledge and experience related to birds.
b. To furnish instruction and educational materials to those who wish to increase their knowledge of birds and birding.
c. To promote greater interest and enjoyment in birds and birding.
d. The group will remain non-partisan and will not endorse any political candidates.

3. OFFICE: Both the principal office of the organization and the place of meeting shall be located at such places as determined by the elected officers. The address of the initial office location will be:

PO Box 4353
Soldotna, AK 99669

4. FISCAL YEAR: The fiscal year of the organization (unless otherwise determined by the vote of the membership) shall be from January 1 through December 31 of each year.


1. THE OFFICERS OF THE KEEN EYE PENINSULA BIRDERS shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined in one individual.

2. THE PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the club.

3. THE VICE PRESIDENT shall assume the duties of the President when the President is absent.

4. THE SECRETARY shall keep a roll of all the members and their addresses. This officer shall be responsible for meeting notices and club correspondence, and shall enter and preserve the minutes of all meetings and have the charge of club records and papers.

5. THE TREASURER shall keep a roll of the members, their addresses and dues payments. This officer shall receive and disburse all monies and give receipts on behalf of the club. All club expenditures (other than day to day expenses) shall be authorized by a majority vote of those present. All expenditures shall be paid by check requiring the signatures of any two officers. The Treasurer shall give a brief accounting of the club’s financial state at each meeting.

6. ELECTIONS: The Officers shall be elected from among the membership by majority vote of the members to serve year by year. Elections shall be held during the first meeting of December of every year. The elected officers shall begin their term of office on the first day of the month following their election.

7. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE: Any member in good standing over 18 years of age may seek an office. Nominations for Officers will be accepted by the President up to 30 days prior to elections. Nominations may also be made from the floor on the day of the meeting and election will be by a majority vote of members present.

8. COMPENSATION: All Officers and Committee members serve in voluntary capacity and shall not receive any compensation for their services.

9. VACANCIES of any office when they occur through resignation or death shall be filled through appointment by the remaining officers and the appointee shall remain in office until the next annual meeting. Any Officer may be removed from office in a special meeting by two-thirds vote of those present. A special meeting for such purposes may be called by the submission of a request for such signed by a minimum of five members in good standing and must occur within 30 days.


1. MEMBERSHIP: membership shall be open to any applicant upon payment of annual dues and submission of a signed Release Form.

2. DUES: Membership dues are payable January 1 of each year and become delinquent (with the forfeiture of membership) if not paid within 60 days.
Membership dues will be assessed as follows:

Family: $20.00 annually
Individual: $15.00 annually
Student (full time high school or college student) $10.00 annually


1. REGULAR MEETINGS: Regular meetings shall occur monthly at such a location as determined by the Officers. Meetings shall consist of a reading of the minutes from the previous meeting, financial statement, committee reports and any other current business. Each meeting shall include an instructional segment by one or more members or guest speakers followed by an informal fellowship time.

2. SPECIAL MEETINGS: Special meetings may be called at any time by the discretion of the Officers and notification of the membership. Such meeting will normally be for the purpose of walks or forays or to accommodate the schedule of a guest speaker. Weather is often the determining factor if a successful foray, etc and prior notice of such events may be short.


1. THE BY-LAWS may be reviewed and amended as needed. A two-thirds majority vote of members present shall be required to ratify any change. All members shall be notified in writing of any approved changes.

Copyright © 2006 Keen Eye Peninsula Birders
P.O. Box 4353, Soldotna, Alaska 99669

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