Saches, Carl. Locator, QCMDR, p.
Sachs, -. (Also Saches,
Carl); Groo has dinner at his cabin in interior, 11/28/98, Groo Diary; moves to Manker
Creek, 1/14/99;
Sailer, Joseph. Passenger
on the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98;
Sall, Oscar. Hometown: MN;
Probably arrived in 1898, called "old timer" in TVN 3:43, 1/2/04, p. 4;
Salladay, S. O. Passenger
list -- Steam schooner Albion, departing Portland 3/8/98. Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98;
Samuelson, Anton. (Also
Samulelson); Hometown: Chicago, IL; In Chicago party, living in tents in Seattle waiting
for Excelsior to depart, list of equipment, Seattle P-I, 2/26/98;
Sand, Frank. Groo, F.
Sands, Swanson & Vaber locate on Porcupine Gulch, Groo
Diary, 3/8/99; same group drew lots of locations on Stewart Creek, Groo Diary,
3/12/99; drew lots for claims on Vaber Gulch off Konsina with Kain outfit, 3/13/99; more
claims in Sam's Gulch, Groo Diary, 3/24/99;
Sandberg, Chas. Sandberg,
Seattle, PI; Also Sandburg?), Born: Sweden, July 1867,
C1900; Hometown: Chicago, IL; Passenger on steam schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for
Copper River ports with a few passengers for Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98;
Arrived in Alaska, March 1898, C1900;
Sandburg, Chas. (See
Sands, F. M. (F. M. Sands,
Portland Oregonian; F. Sands, Groo Diary); Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger
number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway,
Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98; [Note: Groo, C. L. Swanson and Sands on National City
together]; Locator with Groo witness, 3/11/1899, UKMDR, p. 135; Groo, F. Sands, Swanson
& Vaber locate on Porcupine Gulch, 3/9/99; same group drew lots of locations on
Stewart Creek, 3/12/99; drew lots for claims on Vaber Gulch off Konsina with Kain outfit,
3/13/99; more claims in Sam's Gulch, 3/24/99;
Sands, John. V-Lot, Index,
p. 74; Locator, QCMDR, 1898, p. 9; UKMDR, 1899,
Locator with Groo witness, p. 135; UKMDR;
Sargent, F. L. Passenger
boarded the steamer Wolcott in San Francisco, left Seattle for Copper River, 11/20/97,
Seattle P-I, 11/21/97;
Sauders, P. C. (See
Saunders;) Names and address list, Dooley Diary;
Saunders, -. (Possibly P.
C. Saunders or Sauders); Hometown: Lynn, MA; Sauders taught Dooley to make bread, Dooley
Diary, 7/4/98; P. C. Sauders listed in Names and Addresses section, Dooley Diary;
Savage, Walter. Born: New
York, Oct. 1852, C1900; Hometown: Los Angeles, CA., C1900; Arrived in Alaska, March 1897,
C1900; At Copper Center, Jan. 1899, Golden Cross? p. 85;
Savigny, William.
Passenger list for the schooner Hera, departed Seattle for Copper
River 3/22/98, Seattle P-I, 3/23/98;
Sawyer, C. A. Location
Notice, with W. T. Caryl, 9/10/98, VMDR, p. 50;
Sawyer, D. D. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Sawyer, D. T. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Saxon, James B. Passenger
on Helen Almy bound for Copper River, capsized shortly after departing San Francisco,
3/20/98, Seattle P-I, 3/23/98;
Schanck, D. E. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Scheime, Alfred. (Also
Scheine,VMDR; & Scheime); Filed inVMDR, p. 53, 58, 80, 84,
92, 119; V-Lot, Index, p. 52; Schieme & Kaiser witness to Dr. A. von Gunther claim,
VMDR, 10//19/98, p. 52, 55; Locator, VMDR, p. 53;
Schelly, -. Floated Keystone
canyon in 1899, Powell, Trailing, p. 150;
Schilling, C. W. Passenger
List -- Steam Schooner Albion -- Departed Portland for Copper River, 4/9/98, Portland
Oregonian, 4/10/98;
Schilling, John A.
Passenger list for the schooner Hera, departed Seattle for Copper
River 3/22/98, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/23/98;
Schilling, Mike. (See also
W. Shilling); Locator, 1898, J. A. Arnold, witness, QCMDR,
p. 22; [Note: Arnold and W. Shilling on National City];
Schimmer, J. W.
V-Lot, Index, p. 59;
Schinalmback, E. Passenger
on steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37
from Sioux City, IA led by J. N. Henry were to be dropped off at Yakutat, the others
apparently headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98;
Schinecker, Max. Passenger
on steam schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for Copper
River ports with a few passengers for Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98;
Schlagel, -. (Also Schlogel,
Schlagle, Schloegle). Travels with W. H. Crary to camp,
Crary, Diary Ms. 6/15, 18, 19, 22/1898, p. 7; W. H. Crary party separates camp from
Watson, Wadman and Schlagle, Crary, Diary Ms. 6/27/1898, p. 8;
Schlinker, Powell.
Passenger on the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98;
Schloegel, F. E. (See
Schlagel) Scurvy victim brought out on April 29 by team sent by Brown, Brown in
Abercrombie 1900, p. 40, receives sox, p. 41; refuses to be put on payroll because wants
to return to the Chistochina, p. 43;
Schlosser, Charles. (Also
Sclosser, Powell); Born: Oneida Valley, NY, 11/28/1859;
probably Prospector 1898 but only indirect evidence; Stories about in Presentation
speech of F. W. Rosenthal, Jan. 1908, CS1, p. 215;
Schnedeger, Wesley. Frozen
to death, 2/?/99, Seattle Times, 7/7/99 in Townsend
Schnettgocke, Aug.
Location notice for Juneau Mine next to Lost Mine, Jack Pot Bay,
8/11/1899; PWSMDR, Bk. 2. pp. 188-181;
Schmidt, M. M. Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR,
3/14/98 with "by far the larger number of her passengers" bound for the Copper
River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Schnider, A. Passenger on
steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and
Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37 from Sioux City, IA led by J. N. Henry were to be dropped off
at Yakutat, the others apparently headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98;
Schnitner, Wm. (Might be
Schnetner); Passenger list for steamer Alliance, departing
Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Schnyder, J. P. Witness to
Strunk, QCMDR, 1898, p. 73;
Schofield, R. A. Passenger
on the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port
Townsend Leader, 3/7/98;
Schoomacher, A. (4th
letter indistinct); Passenger list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for
Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Schow, Andrew. Passenger
List -- Steam Schooner Albion -- Departed Portland for
Copper River, 4/9/98, Portland Oregonian, 4/10/98;
Schrader, Frank C. (Prof.
Schrader, Seattle P-I); Born: Illinois, Oct. 1860, C1900;
Hometown: Washington, D. C., C1900; On list of Army Officers on steamer Valencia,
departing Seattle 4/7/98, Seattle P-I 4/8/98 & Seattle Times, 4/8/98; Arrived in
Alaska, April 1898 with Abercrombie's party, C1900; Wrecked on Tonsina, loses Hazelet's
samples, Hazelet Diary, 9/26/98; in charge of expedition to explore and map Copper River
District, Glenn and Abercrombie, p. 566;
Schroder, F. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Schroder, W. A. QCMDR,
1898, witness to Burns, p. 77; Locator with Choudichild, p. 80;
Schultz, Adolph. Hometown: New
York; Vice-president of the Tanana Mining Co.
hired to help take sick men over glacier, identified by Nolan, Elder, Simpson, Jackson,
Kanitz; found lying next to the two sick men; Coroner's inquest, 2/27/1899, Jury Finding,
CS1; Died on Valdez Glacier, Dr. Logan's party, in Brown in Abercrombie 1900, p. 38;
Schultz, B. Passenger on
steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and
Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37 from Sioux City, IA led by J. N. Henry were to be dropped off
at Yakutat, the others apparently headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98;
Schumacher, L. Passenger
List -- Steam Schooner Albion -- Departed Portland for
Copper River, 4/9/98, Portland Oregonian, 4/10/98;
Schumacher, P. A. Passenger on
the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98;
Scott, A. W. Passenger on
steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and
Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37 from Sioux City, IA led by J. N. Henry were to be dropped off
at Yakutat, the others apparently headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98;
Scott, Andrew. Hometown:
MA; Passenger on steamer Wolcott, left Seattle for Copper River, 11/20/97, memberof Witch
City Mining Company, Seattle P-I, 11/21/97; Doc Tanner Party, San Francisco Examiner, in
CS2, p. 83;
Scott, Fred. Hometown:
Scottsburg, Il; Passenger list -- Steam schooner Albion,
departing Portland 3/8/98, Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98; Co-locators on 3/7/1899, F. Smith,
A. M. Hendrie, F. R. Wortham, R. S. Baird, S. C. Moore, J. H. Bell, F. Scott, J.
Parsons, E. Rape, UKMDR, p. 165; name & address list, Dooley Diary;
Scott, Fred. (Bloomington,
WI); In party from Wisconsin including John Pendleton, Ed Edwards, Roll[a] Walker, Frank
Markert, Joe Bell, Fred Scott, J. W. Anderson, E. L. [Roy?] McCoy, Letter from McCoy in
Grant County Herald (Lancaster, WI) 4/28/98; Dentist, brought dental tools to Alaska, Ed
Edwards pulled Scott's tooth, Letter from McCoy in Grant County Herald (Lancaster, WI)
5/5/98; Arrived in Valdez on schooner St. Lawrence, 3/31/98, with Roy McCoy, Rolla Walker,
Joe Bell, Fred Scott, W. Anderson, Ed Edwards, and Frank Markert, Pendleton letter in in
Grant County Herald, 8/4/98; Walker, Bell, Anderson and Scott carve headstone for
snowslide victims, Pendleton Letter, Grant Count Herald, 8/4/98;
Scott, J. A. Hometown: St.
Paul, MN; Second-class passenger on steamer Excelsior,
departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle P-I, 2/28/98;
Scott, J. F. Passenger on
the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port
Townsend Leader, 3/7/98;
Scott, John O. (John B. Scott,
Seattle P-I, 11/21/97): Hometown: MA; Passenger on
steamer Wolcott, left Seattle for Copper River, 11/20/97, memberof Doc Tanner's party,
Seattle P-I, 11/21/97; From MA, Doc Tanner Party, San Francisco Examiner, in CS2, p. 83;
Scott, Peter. Locator with
Denler, Opie, E. Young, J. McIntyre, W. J. Gardner, Carrie
Ammann, QCMDR, 1898, p. 45;
Scott, R. A. Hometown:
Olate(?), KS; Stopped by Dooley's camp on way back to States with Landess, Dooley Diary,
Scott, W. A. (W. A. Scott,
Portland Oregonian; William Scott, TVN); Passenger, steam schooner National City,
departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger number of her
passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland
Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Scully, Dr. G. V. (See
also Skully, Pearson; Scully, Portland Oregonian); Hometown:
Seattle, WA; Passenger List -- Steam Schooner Albion -- Departed Portland for Copper
River, 4/9/98, Portland Oregonian, 4/10/98; in party of 3 from Seattle, WA, Portland
Oregonian, 4/10/98;
Sears, -. (Mrs. F.).
Passenger list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for
Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Sebastian, -. Worked on
relief station on Valdez Glacier, Sept. 1898, CS1;
Sebens, G. Passenger on
steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and
Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37 from Sioux City, IA led by J. N. Henry were to be dropped off
at Yakutat, the others apparently headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98;
Sebenson, K. Second-class
passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, 2/28/98;
Seitz, Dr. L. H. Hometown: KY;
Passenger list -- Steam schooner Albion, departing
Portland 3/8/98, Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98; Heading a party of 5 from Kentucky,
Portland Oregonian, 3/6/98;
Seitz, William. (See also
Sietz, both spellings in Seattle P-I); Passenger on steam
schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for Copper River ports with a few passengers for
Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98; Alaska Mutual Mining Company, 14
members on Noya: Guy, Ladward, Mahle, J.W. Morgan, William Seitz, W. Klein, R.
Klein, A. Adams, A. Harward, A. Carvey, C. Decker, J. Steinmits, H. Price, and W.
Selfars, H. Passenger on
steam schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for Copper River
ports with a few passengers for Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98;
Seaman, Jack. "Jack
Seaman and Burt McDowell came up to state company claim,"
Dooley Diary, 4/6/98;
Sender, Isaac. (Also
Senders, Dooley Diary; Ike, QCMDR; Isaac, UKMDR); Locator,
QCMDR, 1898, p. 20; Notice of amended location 6/26/1899 with Sweeny, W.
Williams, Ohlhausen, O. Peterson, Malmgren, J. Williams, Henry, C. Johnson, Pollard, Kain,
Hamlen, Ward, Bush, Onstad, J. H. Smith, McCormick, QCMDR, p. 108, 1899: co-locator with
S. J. Ludwig, QCMDR, p. 132, 133, 134, 135; Locator on 3/21/1899, UKMDR, p. 161; "10
men from Valdez stopped at Co. City - Dan Kain, Brown, McClellan, Bates, Hamlin,
McCormack, Fitch, Leverose, Amy, and Senders," Dooley Diary, 5/20/99;
Sender, S. Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger
number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway,
Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Severson, S. Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger
number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway,
Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Seward, George. First
class passenger boarding Valencia in Seattle, departing Seattle 3/6/98 with 600
passengers, Seattle P-I, 3/6/98;
Seymour, H. H. Passenger list
for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Shafter, F. R. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Shams, E. L. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Shane, J. (Also John
Shaul, Seattle PI article on Great Northern party); Hometown: St. Paul, MN; Second-class
passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle P-I,
2/28/98; Note: Great Northern Party came on this trip;
Shank, E. S. Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger
number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway,
Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Sharp, George. Hometown:
Rosebud, MT; Passenger list for the schooner Hera,
departed Seattle for Copper River 3/22/98, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 3/23/98; Name
listed, W. H. Crary, Diary Ms. 6/28/1898, p. 8;
Sharp, -. Hometown: CO;
Played the banjo at Christmas party on Lake Klutina, Golden Cross?, p. 81;
Sharp, -. Hometown: Chicago, IL;
Son of T. Sharp in Townsend party, Beaver Falls
Weekly Tribune, 1/26/98;
Sharp, T. (T. Herbert
Sharp, Seattle P-I, 2/17/98); Hometown: Braddock; First-class
passenger on steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 2/16/98, Seattle P-I, 2/17/98; With son
in Townsend party, Beaver Falls Weekly Tribune, 1/26/98;
Shaul, J. (See John Shane;
Seattle PI article on Great Northern party mentions Shaul,
probably Shane); Hometown: St. Paul, MN; Second-class passenger on steamer
Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/28/98;
Note: Great Northern Party came on this trip;
Shaw, H. C. Died of
scurvy, 6/1/98, Seattle Times, 7/7/99 in Townsend Letters;
Shaw, Percy. (Brother: Sidney);
Hometown: Springfield, MA; Pearson met on Valdez
Glacier, 5/15/1898, Pearson, CS1, p. 185; July, went to strike below sawmill with Fred
Kraft, Bill Bogen, L. Updike. Pearson Journal, CS1, p. 185;
Shaw, Sidney. (Brother:
Percy); Hometown: Springfield, MA; Pearson met on Valdez Glacier, 5/15/1898, Pearson, CS1,
p. 185;
Shedlaski, Dr. -.
Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR,
3/14/98 with "by far the larger number of her passengers" bound for the Copper
River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Sheehy, Jas. B. Location
notice, 3/28/98, VMDR, p. 43;
Sheiner, J. H. V-Lot,
Index, p. 98;
Shelly, Chas. Born: IN,
Oct. 1885, C1900; Hometown: Rodger, IN, C1900 ; Arrived in
Alaska, March 1898, C1900;
Shelly, P. W. Location
Notice with Frank Frase, Copper Creek, Fidalgo Bay,
8/23/1899, PWSMDR, Bk. 2. p. 199;
Shelton, L. T. Hometown:
Valdes, AK, C1900; Witness with J. A. Oxelgren to B. G.
Leveroos claim, TMDR, p. 32; Locator, No. 5 above Canyon on Manker Creek,
7/20/98, witnesses B. G. Leveroos, J. A. Oxelgren, TMDR, p. 47; Received
power-of-attorney from J. H. Bradford, Jr., TMRD, p 66; Received power-of-attorney
from C. L. Pitts, TMRD, p 67; Mining Agreement between R. H. Gallatin to L. T.
Shelton, ML, Bk G, pp. 711-713;
Shepard, Jack. (Also W. J; Also
Sheppard, Shepherd, Shephard); Identified as 9 year
resident of Orca by Capt. Handy says only 3 white men have ever made it up the
Copper River (through passes), though others have gone 20-80 miles, Seattle P-I,
12/18/1897; Member of Swan's Party along with Williams, Moore, and Allen landing at
Swanport, Nov. 1897, Pathfinder, VI:6, 4/1925, pp. 7-8; Location Notice; J. Ellis,
Thorstensen, Jacobsen, T. Olsen, Shepard, Larsen, 10/6/97, PWS, Bk. 1, p. 33; Power of
Attorney, 3/18/98, PWSMDR, Book 1, p. 42; Member of Swan's Party along with Williams,
Moore, and Allen landing at Swanport, Nov. 1897, Pathfinder, VI:6, 4/1925, pp. 7-8;
Shepard, W. C. Passenger list
for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Shiennie, Alfred. (See
also Scheime);V-Lot, Index, Feb. 1899, p. 117;
Shilling, W. (See also
Schilling); Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing
Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger number of her passengers" bound
for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Shipp, Frank. Arrived in
Valdez in 1898, Pathfinder, Dec. 1920;
Shultz, Robert. Locator,
QCMDR, 1899, p. 130;
Shirk, Valentine.
Passenger list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes,
Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Shores, Frank. Passenger List --
Steam Schooner Albion -- Departed Portland for Copper River, 4/9/98, Portland Oregonian,
Sickles, A. Passenger list
for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Sietz, William. (See also
Seitz, both spellings in Seattle P-I); Passenger on steam
schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for Copper River ports with a few passengers for
Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98; Alaska Mutual Mining Company, 14
members on Noya: Guy, Ladward, Mahle, J. W. Morgan, William Seitz, W. Klein, R.
Klein, A. Adams, A. Harward, A. Carvey, C. Decker, J. Steinmits, H. Price, and W.
Signoratti, John L.
Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far
the larger number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for
Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Silebreen, O. First-class
passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle
Post-Intelligencer, 2/28/98;
Simensted, Chas. (See also
Simonstead, Simenstod); Locator, QCMDR, 1898, p. 72;
Simmons, Mal. (See Mae
Simmons, Mae. In Rev. S.
T. Beatty's party (possibly a relative), other members: S. T.
Beatty, Jamie Beatty, Isaac (Beatty or Simmons?), George (S. T. Beatty's nephew),
Beatty letter, 9/4/98; Location notice with S. T. Beatty as witness, Mae Simmons Claim,
QCMDR, p. 62; Witness to S. Beatty, QCMDR, 1898, p. 62;
Simon, A. W. First class
passenger boarding Valencia in Seattle, departing Seattle 3/6/98 with 600 passengers,
Seattle P-I, 3/6/98;
Simon, Andrew. Passenger
on the Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98;
Simon, Arthur. Hometown:
Seattle, WA; Passenger on steamer Alliance, departing
Seattle 1/3/98. Seattle P-I, 1/4/98;
Simonson, Anton. Hometown:
Chicago, IL; Occupied tent with Fournier and Von
Antwerp 4/30/1898, Coroner's report depicting death Joseph Fournier et al. on Valdez
Glacier, 5/2/1898;
Simonson, S. H. Hometown: St.
Paul, MN; Second-class passenger on steamer
Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle P-I, 2/28/98;
Simonstead, Charles. (Also
Charley, see also Simensted, Simonstad); Born: MN, Nov. 1871, C1900; Hometown: town name
unintelligible, MN C1900; Arrived in Alaska, March 1898, C1900; Caught in snowstorm on
Quartz Creek with Miller, Bell, Nelson, Jacobsen, and Faber in 1898, Powell, Trailing, p.
159; Location notice Galena Bay witness J. C. Davidson, 10/7/1899, PWSMDR Bk. 2, p. 272;
Simpson, A. D. Passenger list
for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I, 4/20/98;
Simpson, J. First-class
passenger on steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 2/16/98, for
Dyea & Valdez, Seattle P-I, 2/17/98;
Simpson, J. L.
Second-class passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/28/98;
Simpson, Jas. Born:
England, May, year not recorded, C1900; Hometown: Bridgeport, CT; Arrived in Alaska, March
1898, C1900; Bridgeport, CT, Margeson/Benedict trip, Gold Hunters, p. 9; Locator,
"Jumbo" No. 22 above canyon on Manker Creek, 7/27/98, no witnesses, TMDR, 1898,
p. 74; Hazelet purchases a horse and complete outfit from him, 3/17/98; Witness with J.
Simpson to Voight's selling 1/2 interest in claim to L. Moore, 3/22/98, TMDR, p. 83;
Simpson, W. H. Part of
relief party for Logan Party on Valdez Glacier, 2/27/1899.
Identified Shultz, Jury Finding on Logan Party, CS1;
Singleton, J. C.
Second-class passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez,
Seattle P-I, 2/28/98;
Singletary R. L. (R might
be read as A) Locator, QCMDR, 1898, p. 40;
Singletary, Alex L. (Also A.
L.); Born: Texas, May 1865, C1900; Hometown: Miles
City, MT, C1900; Owner Montana Bar, Photo from 1899 with Eleanor Doty, Crary
Photographic Scrapbooks;
Sittell, Jacob. Hometown:
Portland, OR; Passenger on the Rival departing Port
Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98; Garden at Copper Center
summer, 1898, wrote report for Abercrombie on agricultural potential of area, Glenn and
Abercrombie, p. 580;
Skeddy, William. Filed in
TMDR, 1898, p. 70;
Skidmore, James. Passenger
List -- Steam Schooner Albion -- Departed Portland for
Copper River, 4/9/98, Portland Oregonian, 4/10/98;
Skinner, Bert.
Second-class passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez,
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 2/28/98; Helps Conger with loads, 4/25/98, Conger, pp.
226-227; taps birch trees to make sugar, 5/19/99, Conger, p. 230;
Skonberg, Chas. (See also
Charles Spongberg); Hometown: Butte, MT; Listed in
names & address section, Dooley Diary;
Skully, -. (Also Scully,
Dempsey; Portland Oregonian, 4/10/98; Powell, Trailing
"Skelly" ); Hometown: San Jose, CA; With Rudolph Kraft. Pearson joined
because they had horses to pull over Valdez Glacier, 5/15/1898, Pearson, CS1, p.185; Froze
to death on Valdez Glacier, 9/20/1898, Dempsey Diary, CS1, p. 251;
Slattery, Pat. Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR,
3/14/98 with "by far the larger number of her passengers" bound for the Copper
River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98; Locator, with J. Ward
witness, QCMDR, 1898, p. 15; Jack Webster's partner, mentioned, Golden Cross, Ch. 4; 60
year old former lumberjack, at Quarz Creek, Golden Cross, p. 60ff;
Smallwood, Charles R. Passenger
on Helen Almy bound for Copper River, capsized
shortly after departing San Francisco, 3/20/98, Seattle P-I, 3/23/98;
Smart, H. G. Hometown: St.
Paul, MN; Second-class passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for
Valdez, Seattle P-I, 2/28/98;
Smith, -. (Also
"Middleton Island Smith"); Blue fox farmer, prospector, Middleton
Island, meets Hera when arrives in Valdez, died in Seattle, Golden Cross?, Ch. 2;
Smith, A. D. Hometown: WA;
Returns from Valdez, critical of Abercrombie, interview, Seattle Times, 7/7/1899;
Townsend, Journal;
Smith, C. S. First class
passenger boarding Valencia in Seattle, departing Seattle 3/6/98 with 600 passengers,
Seattle P-I, 3/6/98;
Smith, C. W. Passenger
list -- Steam schooner Albion, departing Portland 3/8/98,
Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98;
Smith, Charles B. Born: Boulton,
CT (?), Pioneers; Hometown: Lanesboro, PA;
Margeson/Benedict trip, Gold Hunters, p. 9; Elected coroner for inquest for two men killed
in 4/30/98 avalanche, Bourke Journal, Ms. p. 34 and Coroner's report depicting death
Joseph Fournier et al. on Valdez Glacier, 5/2/98; Discovered claim Mineral Creek Area,
6/20/98 with H. D. Bartlett, F. W. Hoyt, H. E. L. King, H. Smith, C. B. Smith, J. W.
Smith, and W. S. Baken. Filed 3/17/99, VMDR, p. 65, 102, 105, 106, 119; Location
Notice for claim on Mineral Creek with I. Rice, S. J. Bartlett, Barb Cauvey, Otis Moore,
Mrs. W. M. Smith, J. A. Smith, J. D. Smith, C. B. Smith 6/28/98, in VMDR, p. 105; Locator,
No. 17 above canyon on Manker Creek, 7/27/98, witnesses Margeson & Sweet, TMDR, p. 73;
Donated to building relief station on Valdez Glacier, Sept. 1898, Bourke notes, CS1;
Elected to Valdez Trustees, 10/10/98, Minutes; Location Notice 9/4/1899: W. R.
Abercrombie, C. P. Smith, J. C. Black, Phil Blumauer, J. J. Abercrombie, Louis Blumauer
Cutsina [Kotsina] River near Mt. Blackburn, ML, Bk. 3 (Bks. J & F), p. 44;
Smith Charles P. Born: May 1867,
Chicago, IL, C1900; Arrived in Alaska, April 1898;
Smith, Dr. -. Pearson,
Cockerille, Smith, Sumner & Coke hit snag in Klutina, boat
swamps, Pearson Journal, CS1, p. 185; Driven ashore at Salmo Creek with Sumner,
Aug-Sept. 1898, Pearson Journal, CS1, p. 185;
Smith, E. E. Passenger
list -- Steam schooner Albion, departing Portland 3/8/98, Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98;
Smith, E. O. Passenger
list -- Steam schooner Albion, departing Portland 3/8/98, Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98;
Smith, F. M. (First name:
Flavel (?) Smith, UKMDR; see also Flaver Smith; See also
Frank M. Smith); Locator, QCMDR, 1898, p. 41; UKMDR, Co-locators on 3/7/1899,
A. M. Hendrie, F. R. Wortham, R.S . Baird, S. C. Moore, J. H. Bell, F. Scott, J. Parsons,
E. Rape, p. 165;
Smith, Flavel. (?),
Co-locator on 3/7/1899, with A. M. Hendrie, F. R. Wortham, R. S.
Baird, S. C. Moore, J. H. Bell, F. Scott, J. Parsons, E. Rape, p. UKMDR, 165;
Smith, Flaver M.
(Flavel (?) Smith, UKMDR; Flaver Smith, Seattle P-I); Passenger on steam schooner Noyo,
departing Seattle for Copper River ports with a few passengers for Juneau and Skagway,
Seattle P-I, 3/16/98;
Smith, Frank M. (F. M.
Smith on passenger list); Hometown: WI; Passenger on the
Rival departing Port Townsend, WA 3/6/98, Port Townsend Leader, 3/7/98; Geo. Vine, Oscar
Johnson, Frank Smith, Ed. Young, Henry Chesterman, John Grasser, Herb Gergen, and Jos.
Brost are still in Alaska, Neillsville Times [WI], 2/9/99;
Smith, Fred. Notice of
Location, "Trafalgar Lode Claim," PWSMDR, Bk. 1,
7/11/1897; Sells PWS claims to Wm. Ripstein, 5/19/98, PWSMDR, Bk1, p. 53; Notice of
Location, Trafalgar Lode Claim, Bk. 1, 7/11/1897; Power of attorney to W. E. Hunt; PWSMDR,
Bk. 1, p. 174; Hunt, Mills, Smith & Heidorn sell Latouche claims to O. J. Humphrey,
for $10,000, 9/14/1898, Filed for record, 2/20/1899; MLR Bk G. pp. 701-704;
Smith, H. C. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Smith, H. G. (See Harry T.
Smith, H. H. Second-class
passenger on steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle P-I,
Smith, Hardin. Landed in
Valdez, St. Patrick's Day 1898 (same as Bourke),
anonymous researcher cites Pathfinder;
Smith, Harry T. (H. G.
Smith, identified. as passenger on Excelsior & Great Northern
Party, Lashway, Seattle P-I); Hometown: St. Paul, MN; Second-class passenger on
steamer Excelsior, departing Seattle, 2/27/98 for Valdez, Seattle P-I, 2/28/98; Head of a
party of former Great Northern RR employees, Conger, p. 155; returned to St. Paul winter
of 1898-99, Conger, p. 205;
Smith, Heber. Born: Fulton, New
York, 3/29/1855, Pioneers; Hometown: New York,
NY; Discovered claim Mineral Creek Area, 6/20/98 with F. G. Bartlett, H. D. Bartlett, F.W.
Hoyt, H. E. F. King, C. B. Smith, J. W. Smith, and W. S. Baker. Filed 3/17/99, VMDR,
64, 102; Locator, 10/15/98, Claim No. 6 on O'Brien Creek, witness J. Manker, W. D. McGee,
TMDR, p. 21; Locator, 10/15/98, Quartz Claim "Dora" witness J. Manker, W. D.
McGee, TMDR, p. 22; Locator, Placer Claim No. 28 above Canyon, Manker Creek, 7/28/98,
TMDR, p. 30; Locator, 10/12/98, No. 3 on Hertle Creek, witnesses W. C. McGee, J. Manker,
TMDR, p. 31; QCMDR, 1898, Witness to Speddy, p. 39; Locator, p. 43; witness to Moyes, p.
50; to Harry (H. E. F.) King, p. 78; to W. Jaynes (7/31/99); Witness with W. W. Surrt to
location notice A. Jones & H. L. Moore at Chisna, 9/21/99, VMDR, p. 147; Bruce, H.
Smith, Oscar Peterson, Malmgren, & Leveross Arrived in Valdez Nov. 7, 1898 from
interior; going outside to get pack animals and return in Feb, Brown in Glenn and
Abercrombie, p. 623;
Smith, Henry. Passenger on
steam schooner Noyo, departing Seattle for Copper River ports with a few passengers for
Juneau and Skagway, Seattle P-I, 3/16/98;
Smith, J. A. In VMDR, p. 104
Location Notice for claim on Mineral Creek with I. Rice,
S. J. Bartlett, Barb Cauvey, Otis Moore, Mrs. W. M. Smith, J. A. Smith, J. D. Smith, C. B.
Smith 6/28/98, in VMDR, p. 105;
Smith, J. D. Location
Notice for claim on Mineral Creek with I. Rice, S. J. Bartlett, Barb Cauvey, Otis Moore,
Mrs. W. M. Smith, J. A. Smith, J. D. Smith, C. B. Smith 6/28/98, in VMDR, p. 105;
Smith, J. W. In VMDR, p. 102
check to see if this is by power-of-attorney;
Smith, Jack. (Also
"Arizona Jack" and J.) Witness, QCMDR, p. 161; with Remington's
in helping to salvage miner's supplies from Klutina River, Golden Cross?, p. 45;
Smith, John. (Could be John H.
Smith, dates of arrival agree); Passenger list -- Steam
schooner Albion, departing Portland 3/8/98, Portland Oregonian, 3/8/98;
Smith, John H. (Also Jack,
Groo; See also Z. H. Smith, and John Smith); Born: NY,
Dec. 1849, C1900; Hometown: Florence, AR; Arrived in Alaska, March 1898, C1900;
QCMDR, Locator, p. 107; 143; Witness for Bush, p. 138; for J. Williams, p. 142;
Notice of amended location 6/26/1899 by Sweeny, W. Williams, Ohlhausen, O.
Peterson, Malmgren, J. Williams, Henry, C. Johnson, Pollard, Kain, Hamlen, Ward,
Sender, Bush, Onstad, J. H. Smith, McCormick, p. 108; 1899; witness for J. Williams,
QCMDR, pp. 148, 149; Locator,QCMDR, p. 150; 152; UKMDR, Locator with Keller
witness, 3/14/1899, p. 143; Groo visits at Quartz Creek, Groo Diary, 1/31/99;
Smith, I. N. Locator,
UKMDR, October 1898, p. 51;
Smith, K. Passenger on
steamer Alliance, departing Seattle for Yakutat Bay and Valdes, 3/24/98; party of 37 from
Sioux City, IA led by J. N. Henry were to be dropped off at Yakutat, the others apparently
headed for Valdes, Seattle P-I, 3/25/98;
Smith, M. (Mrs. Fred). Power of
attorney to W. E. Hunt; PWSMDR, Bk1, p. 174;
Smith, M. I. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
Smith, M. N. Witness to G.
Brown, p. 56; to C. G. Baker, p. 100; Locator, QCMDR,
1898, p. 82;
Smith Mike. Died on Valdez
Glacier, winter 1898-1899, Left Twelve-Mile Camp for
Valdez Nov. 14, 1898 with Grogg brothers, Ferguson, Polinsky and Egram - party of
nine -two returned, Mike Smith died, Brown in Glenn & Abercrombie, p. 623;
Smith, R. M. Passenger,
steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with "by far the larger
number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a few for Dyea/Skagway,
Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Smith, Rachel. V-Lot,
Index, p.17; Location Notice for White Swan Claim next to
Jewel & Jennie, Glacier Island, 8/6/1898, PWSMDR, Bk. 1, p. 36;
Smith, Mrs. W. M. Location
Notice for claim on Mineral Creek with I. Rice, S. J.
Bartlett, Barb Cauvey, Otis Moore, Mrs. W. M. Smith, J. A. Smith, J. D. Smith, C. B.
Smith 6/28/98, in VMDR, p. 105;
Smith, Z. H. (See also J. H.
Smith); Passenger, steam schooner National City, departing Portland, OR, 3/14/98 with
"by far the larger number of her passengers" bound for the Copper River, but a
few for Dyea/Skagway, Portland Oregonian, 3/15/98;
Smokquani, P. Passenger
list for steamer Alliance, departing Seattle 4/19/98 for Orca and Valdes, Seattle P-I,
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