

Nice Day For FishingWelcome to our web site and enjoy. Our family is from the Eastern Aleutian Islands. As you can see from the photos it can be very beautiful. Our family's traditions and culture derives from a mix of Scandinavian and Aleut-Russian Ancestory. We have lived in the Shumigan Islands and Aleutians for many generations.Click on the pictures and enjoy..

fishing pictures, click on the picture to see more fishing pictures of my family...

A Lovely Sunset

Above is Mud bay and Range island. Click on the picture above to see more of Popof Island...

Squaw Harbor, Alaska

Above is Squaw Harbor. It is on the island of Unga. This was a salmon , crab and shrimp cannery at one time, click on the picture to see more of Squaw Harbor...


F/V Champion

This is the first fishing boat I fished on, click on the picture to see more....

Unga Village

Here is a picture of the abandoned village of Unga, it once was the largest gold mining town in Alaska,click on it to see more...


Richard and Annee Mack, the parents of my wife, click on the picture to see more...


Above is Annee and John, we are heading to either go camping or for a picnic, click on the picture to see what we did...



Seining Pictures | Unga Pictures | Squaw Harbor Pictures | My Family Fishing Pictures

Friends | Richard Mack Family | Popof Island

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