By Torii Shibas
On December 17th of 2001, Ron and I rescued a Champion 8 year old Shiba named Doc. Doc was in bad shape when he came to us. He was scratching at his ears and screaming and shaking his head uncontrollably. That evening we took him to the emergency vets office, he had started to bleed from his ears.

The vet was shocked at Doc's poor condition. His ears were swollen shut from an apparent allergy, his coat was matted and bristly, his feet were swollen into clubs and he smelled horrible. Doc had a fist sized lump on his rear right leg and his red blood cell count was dangerously low. Every sign pointed that this poor dog was in great pain and anguish.

After the vet administered some heavy pain meds, some antibiotics and some medium level steroids, we took him home.

Three weeks later, after some much needed TLC and his ear swelling was down, we took him in to have the lump on his leg removed and his ears flushed and cleaned. Doc had improved so much, the vet could not believe this was the same dog he had seen just a couple of weeks earlier.

Doc came through the operation just fine and is on his way to living life with much less pain. He is indeed a much happier, energetic dog.

Needless to say, this road has not been cheap. At this point we have incurred in excess of $1400 in vet bills which we have happily paid. But it is not an expense we had budgeted for.

Instead of asking for donations, Ron and I have decided on selling some shirts to help offset the vet bills. Ron found one of the charcoal studies I had done of a Shiba head and designed a beautiful shirt layout. The design is a five color front imprint with a one color "Tag" print on the back.

Trademark The ScreenPrinters have graciously donated the shirts and printing. Thank you for supporting Shiba Rescue and helping Doc make a full recovery.

Click here to place an order!

Cost for t's and scoopnecks (S-XL) $20.00
2X T's and Scoopnecks $22.00
3X T's $24.00
All styles are available in Natural or White.
Please specify style, color, and size when ordering.
Prices include priority mail shipping.
No additional charges.
Cost for Sweatshirts (S-XL) $30.00
2X Sweatshirts $33.00
3X Sweatshirts $36.00

Questions? Please e-mail or call me:
Janeen Macom
1271 Hartzog Loop, North Pole, Alaska 99705

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This page was updated on January 15th, 2002