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Grilled Scallops w/ Coriander Butter

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Homer, Alaska




2 tablespoons minced onion
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar (I just used regular vinegar)
¼ cup water
1 teaspoon ground coriander
½ stick (1/4 cup) cold butter, cut into 4 pieces
¾ pound sea scallops
vegetable oil for brushing scallops
2 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro*

*(The original recipe called for minced fresh coriander which is impossible. Coriander is the seed of a mature cilantro plant.)

In a small frying pan simmer the onion, vinegar, water, and ground coriander until the liquid is reduced to about 1 tablespoon.

Then whisk in butter, 1 piece at a time, lifting the pan from the heat occasionally to let the mixture cool adding each new piece of butter before the previous one has melted completely. The sauce should not get hot enough to liquefy and turn clear at which point the suspended coriander filters out to the bottom of the pan.

Season the sauce with salt and pepper, transfer to a small bowl and place in a larger bowl of warm water to keep warm.  

Brush scallops with oil.  Spray or wipe oil on larger frying pan and heat until it is hot and just begins to smoke.  Add scallops and grill for five minutes on each side, or until they are cooked through.

Add fresh minced cilantro to butter sauce, spoon onto plates. Place cooked scallops on top of butter sauce.



Microsoft .doc Format of the Recipe



Send mail to aardvarkseafoods@alaska.net with questions or comments.
Last modified: May 03, 2003