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Alaska Salmon Nutrition

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Homer, Alaska


Alaska Salmon Nutrition

Alaska Salmon is an excellent source of high quality protein, containing all essential amino acids.
Salmon is rich in minerals and contains vitamins A, D, B6 and B12.
Salmon is a good source of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, which lowers the risk of heart disease.
Salmon is easy to digest and is an excellent food for everyone, both young and old.
Alaska Salmon contains Omega-3, oil, which decreases the risk of coronary heart disease and certain cancers.


Alaska Fresh / Frozen Salmon
Portion size: 3 ounces (approximately 85 grams), cooked, edible portion*

Species Calories Calories from fat Protein (g) Fat (g) Saturated fat (g) Sodium (mg) Cholesterol (mg)
King 196-200 103 21-22 11.0-11.5 3 50-55 70-75
Sockeye 180-190 83 23-24 9.0-9.5 1.5 50-55 60-70
Coho 157-165 57 23-24 6-7 1-2 45-55 40-49
Keta 130-135 37 22-23 4 1 50-55 80-85
Pink 130-131 37 22 4 0.5-1.00 57-75 55-81


Alaska Canned Salmon

Serving Size 2 oz. Calories Protein (g) Fat (g) Saturate Fat (g) Sodium (mg) Cholesterol (mg)
Traditional Red Canned 110 13 7 1.5 270 40
Traditional Pink Canned 90 12 5 1 270 40
Skinless, Boneless Pouched 60 13 .5 0 330 25


Nutrition Chart References:

Release 10 USDA #15210, 1992; Release 10 USDA #15211, 1992
USDA Handbook #8, 1987
Nestle Foods, April 1994
Sidwell, V.D. 1981 Chemical and Nutritional Composition of Finfishes, Whales, Crustaceans, Mollusks, and their Products. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS Charleston, U.S. Department of Commerce
Nettleton, J.A. 1983 Seafood Nutrition: Facts, Issues, and Marketing of Nutrition in Fish and Shellfish. Huntington: Osprey Books
Pennington, J. 1989 Food Values of Portions Commonly Used (15th edition). New York: Harper & Row
Exler, J. 1987 Composition of Foods: Finfish and Shellfish Products (Raw, Processes, Per Pound). Washington, D.C.: Human Nutrition Information Service, USDA Handbook 8-15

*Values are approximate. Content varies with season, sex, geographic location.



Send mail to aardvarkseafoods@alaska.net with questions or comments.
Last modified: March 16, 2003