Things that most folks don't find funny.
Jokes about ...
- the crucifixion
- Japanese ritual suicide
- Nazi concentration camps
- muscular dystrophy
- decaying family members
- hit-and-run drunk driving
- violent, repetitive rape
- drug overdose
- slow castration by blind dentists
- major space program disasters
- bloodsucking parasites with no sense of humor
- creative road kills
- your sister slashing her wrists
- fully automatic McDonald's shootings
- Vietnam vets
- birth defects
- full frontal lobotomy patients (don't worry - they won't be offended)
- mental health institutions
- Grandpa's Alzheimer's
- gaping, sucking chest wounds
- your 5-year-old daughter's sex life with her Uncle Bob
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- your son's fatal car wreck
- oregano
- heart attacks during masturbation
- electroshock therapy on fetuses
- your most recent abortion
- invasions of American soil
- gruesome deaths of popular entertainers
- sexual deviance in the Postal Service
- gross errors during major surgery
- children with third degree burns over 95% of their bodies
- psoriasis of the transvexed colon
- escape of eye fluids after the insertion of a white-hot needle
- depressed, antisocial lesbians in wheelchairs
- continental drift as it relates to Catholicism
- animals who habitually eat their young
This list was written in a fit of screaming boredom in an Abnormal Psychology
class a few summers ago. Most of the straightforwardly offensive ones (like
"violent, repetitive rape") were thought up by the untamed librarian
Jana Herd,
and the sincerely non-standard ones (like "oregano" and "slow castration by
blind dentists") were made up by
This list was formatted into HTML by
Woody Hanscom,
and therefore I must give him credit for first thinking of putting it here.
Now, if only I can convince him to put a link to it from his own home page to get my page-hits up ... (wink)
This list has been floating around uncredited for a long time, but this is
the one-and-only original, so if you have this on your page, you might
consider linking to this one as a reference.
Return to
my home page.
INTERESTING FACT: Woody is called so because, when they met in fourth grade, my father remarked,
"I'll bet Woody Allen looked like that as a kid."
Royce D. Williams (
Document title:
Last updated: 2016-10-15