Odds and Ends...

The stuff that wouldn't fit anywhere else! Awards, more pics and links...

 Suppose I oughta start with a few oddball pics...

 Here's a few pics of me in the woods in Alaska, on the beach in Mexico and by the pipeline with my dog...

On the beach in Cabo San Lucas



Cool link? Click the cube --->

Wanna know how much it costs?


Here are some of my 'ahem' Awards!

Courtesy of 'The Corporation'

Wanna make a web site?

Want some cool downloads?

Wanna see my Alaska page?

Wanna visit The Head Shop?

Yecch!!! Yeeeoww!!!

Wanna chat with some stoners?

Leftie and Rightie's PSYCHEDELIC page of pot!

The Fontum Express





Last updated 5/9/99 by me

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