In the pumped waste configurations described above, wastes from the
holding tank are discharged into the top of one module - the "active module".
A manual diverter valve on the piping system selects between active and
inactive modules. In the gravity configurations, some means must be provided
for physically moving heavy, full drums under the chute. Where space permits,
a "lazy susan" rotating turntable holding three drums is an excellent solution.
For this configuration, a minimum inside dimension of 56" x 56" is required.
Bearings, casters and hardware are available from any number of industrial
equipment sources. Material cost per module is about $300.
Heat Recovery Ventilation System:
Individual exhaust air inlets (e.g. bathroom, laundry & kitchen
exhaust grilles) are ducted to the enclosure with backdraft dampers on
each duct. The HRV exhaust fan draws household exhaust air in through these
inlets, through the plenum, through the active composter module, and discharges
it to a roof vent fitted with a venturi type extractor cap.
It is assumed that the house has, or will have installed a compatible
heat recovery ventilation (HRV) unit. Lacking that, a small, low-power
exhaust fan, and/or tall stack fitted with an extractor cap can be used.
The final choice of ventilation system will be site-specific, depending
on a variety of factors, including the cost of fuel, cost (and reliability)
of electricity, average and design ambient temperatures and humidity, available
alternative energy options (i.e. solar, wind), choice of waste delivery
system, and available liquid disposal options.
Careful consideration must be given to compatibility with, and proper
maintenance of the HRV unit. It must be designed so that the supply air
side of the heat exchanger core is always at positive pressure relative
to the exhaust side, must have no cross contamination from exhaust
air side to supply air side, and it must have an easily and thoroughly
cleanable core, filters, and condensate sump. (We have successfully used
the composter with a heat pipe-based HRV of our own design, and with a
vanEE 2000)
Condensate flow rate will be higher than normal, and will be contaminated.
Proper consideration must be given to dealing with it. An ideal solution
is for the drain hose to drip condensate onto the aging compost in an inactive
Disposal Considerations:
The quantity of liquid generated in the composter is primarily a function
of the delivery system. The lowest water use (reasonably priced) flush
toilet we have found still requires about 1-1/2 pints per flush. At this
rate, four people, each using the toilet 4-5 times per day, will put more
water into the composter than can be evaporated under normal conditions
- and that is not even considering the moisture content of the waste material
itself, or times when the HRV is operating at reduced capacity (i.e. during
periods of high humidity or extreme cold when the HRV is in defrost mode).
In our experience, the HRV can normally evaporate about 2-4 gallons/day,
and will generally handle all moisture produced by 3-4 people in a waterless
system (i.e open chute directly above the composter), but it will not
evaporate all moisture produced by any of the flush toilet systems described
above, or large families whose members remain at home most of the time.
This is an important point to consider when choosing a delivery system.
The "Indoor Outhouse" option described above offers some distinct advantages. |