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Terror Queen
Climate/Terrain:   Underground
Frequency:           Very Rare
Organization:           Solitary
Activity Cycle:          Any
Diet:                        Fear
Intelligence:          Genius (19)
Treasure:                   H
Alignment:          Chaotic Evil
NO. Appearing:         1
Armor Class:             5
Movement:                3
Hit Dice:                   25
THAC0:                    5
NO. of Attacks       6 + parasites
Damage/Attack:      2d6 (x 6)
Special Attacks:      maim, psionics, parasites, terror
Special Defenses:     Psionics, 1/2 damage from blunt weapons
Magic Resistance:    see below
Size:                         G (50')
Morale:                  Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value:                30,000

Psionics Summary:
Level        Dis/Sci/Dev      Attack/Defense      Score       PSPs
15               5/8/20                 all/all                    18          200

Clairsentience - Sciences: Precognition; Devotions: All-Round Vision, Danger Sense
- Sciences: Telekinesis; Devotions: Animate Object, Animate Shadow
- Sciences: Energy Containment; Devotions: Biofeedback, Flesh Armor
- Sciences: Teleport; Devotions: Dimension Door, Teleport Trigger
- Sciences: Domination, Mindlink, Superior Invisibility, Switch Personality; Devotions:  Attraction, Awe, Contact, ESP, False Sensory Input, Inflict Pain, Invincible Foes, Invisibility, Life Detection, Phobia Amplification, Post Hypnotic Suggestion, Psychic Messenger

The Terror Queen is a huge and hateful being.  The body is of a sandy brown color and so bloated it looks as though it may burst at any moment.  It has no legs to speak of and closely resembles a tubular blob.  Six large eyes are arranged in a circle around six chitinous arms on the "front" of the disgusting monster.  The arms end not in hands, but razor sharp, serrated spikes which are designed to puncture armor and maim intended prey.  A toothless vertical mouth lies in the center of these two concentric rings, it is used not for eating, but for spraying a foul cloud of parasites into the air to infect nearby victims.  So bloated and swollen is the Terror Queen that it can scarcely move under its own weight, crawling along like a gargantuan inchworm.  
 Like a giant mucus coated maggot the hideous abomination awaits prey from the safety of the underground using its Life Detection and Attraction psionics to lure prey into its caverns.  Terror Queens will always choose intelligent prey if it can get it, as intelligent beings are much easier to horrify.  Terror Queens will assault first with their powerful psionics, usually under cover of Superior Invisibility, fighting to incapacitate and paralyze, never to kill.  If PSPs are exhausted or psionics do not seem to be effective the malevolent Queen slops forward and engages in melee attacking with its six spike-like limbs.  Such is the thickness of its fat that blunt weapons inflict only half damage, bouncing off its rubbery hide seemingly ineffectively.  If any limb should happen to strike its intended target on an unmodified roll of 18 or more the victim must save or have one appendage (roll a d4 1 = left arm, 2 = right arm, 3 = right leg, 4 = left leg) horribly impaled, maimed and paralyzed.  The appendage will be totally unusable until a heal, limited wish or wish spell is cast upon it.  
       Three times per day a Terror Queen can spew forth a foul green cloud, filled with toxic spores and parasites.  Every living being except the Queen itself within 30' must save versus breath weapon or succumb to the effects of the cloud.  Those failing have inhaled some of the pollutants and the toxins have invaded the mind of the victim.  Victims can only fall to the ground and scream in agony for 1d6 rounds pawing at their heads (remove curse, heal, wish, limited wish and cure disease can reverse these effects).  At the end of the 1d6 rounds the pain abates as quickly as it came and the victim must make at second saving throw versus breath weapon, but this time at a minus five penalty.  Woe to he who fails, for he is forever the mindless slave of the queen, only wish can save him now.  Slaves are made to attack their companions and fight until dead, if the slave survives he is forced into the outside world to gather more victims and lead them to the queen.  Under the effects of the parasites, the Queen and slave share vision and thoughts and the slave is often made to interrogate future victims in order to learn more and test the strength of the Queens desired prey.  Slaves are never fed or watered and are incapable of caring for themselves, because of this they are quite short lived and the Queen never has more than five at any one time.
       Victims who become completely paralyzed or similarly incapacitated are attached to the walls or ceiling of the cave with sticky mucous.  The entirety of the body is encased in mucous but the head is kept clean so the victim is fully aware of its situation.  Spell casting and even wriggling is impossible while encased in the mucous but psionics are unaffected.  Such victims are kept alive for weeks at a time and every day terrified beyond imagination, their minds defiled by the foul whisperings of the Queen, the energy of their horror feeding the ravenous appetite of the monster.  Victims must save every day that they are trapped on the walls versus death or become completely insane, incapable of anything more than whimpering and gibberish.  Only heal or wish can remove their insanity.
 Terror Queens have never been seen in pairs and will fight each other until one is driven away or destroyed.  They are found throughout Athas, everywhere except the Sea of Silt or the Forest Ridge, preferring however, to make their lairs near roads and other lanes of high traffic.  They do, however, recognize the power of humanoids in large numbers and always make a home distant from large population centers, but close enough so that the humanoid traffic isn't spread too thin.
 The term Queen is actually a misnomer, as the beast is actually a sexless species.  It is its ability to produce large numbers of smaller beings (the parasites) that give it this title.  It is not known how long a Terror Queen can live, but it is thought to be many centuries.  At least twice in its long life a Terror Queen can deposit a single egg in a humanoid creature who is strangely let loose where his companions will remain prisoner.  The host is usually kept unconscious for the egg-laying period and is dumped onto the surface before he awakens.  Without detect evil, aura sight or psychic surgery the host is unaware of what he is carrying.  The larva will incubate within the host for nearly six months after which it will burst forth killing the host and burrow deep into the ground. (if the host was in an undesirable location - such as a city - the larva will use its teleport ability to go to anywhere its former host was familiar with)
      If spores of a live Terror Queen could somehow be contained, they would be a particularly nasty tool for revenge on the enemies of those who managed to capture them.  The chitinous spikes of the Queen's limbs make excellent shortswords (1d6/1d8) and do not impose the penalties that other non-metal weapons do.  Terror Queen mucous can also be used as glue that has an extremely strong bond.

"He who fights with monsters must take care lest he become a monster."  Friedrich Niestche