History of Mining on Upper Fish Creek,
Fairbanks, Alaska

    This 1994 report has been reprinted by Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. The report presents an overview of NLUR’s research on the cultural resources of the upper Fish Creek area, located about 15 miles northeast of Fairbanks, on the north side of Gilmore Dome. Today this is the site of the Fort Knox Gold Mine, the largest open pit gold mine in Alaska. The Fish Creek area is significant in the history of the Fairbanks Mining District in that it contains evidence of all the major phases of the nearly 100 years of mining in the area. The Fish Creek drainage included everything from some of Felix Pedro’s original mining claims and early “High Grade Bonanza” period prospector camps (1901-1909), through the Fairbanks Exploration Company’s dredge and water diversion ditches, to lode mines and the modern placer mining operations. Other sites found in the area include a Prohibition-era moonshine still, mills, residential cabins, F.E. company housing, and old wagon roads.
    This publication is the result of Fairbanks Gold Mining Inc.’s compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act. Documenting the history of Fish Creek involved oral history, archival research, and historical archaeology. Former residents of the area were interviewed and original maps, engineering drawings, and company correspondence were consulted. Information on the historic mining properties was also gathered through field surveys and archaeological excavations. Mining equipment and unique features of each historic property were documented to preserve information in a permanent record. For more details, see also the Fort Knox Project Cultural Resources Report, August 1994, prepared by Northern Land Use Research, Inc.
Report title: History of Mining on Upper Fish Creek, Fairbanks, Alaska, (1994) by Andrew Higgs and Robert Sattler, Northern Land Use Research, Inc. Report copyright © 1994 by Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. Fairbanks.

    To obtain further information or to request a copy of the report, contact:
Andrew Higgs
Northern Land Use Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 83990
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708
Phone: (907) 474-9684

Price: free; please add $1.50 for postage and handling.

If you are interested in any of our technical reports or publications, send an email request to
Northern Land Use Research, Inc., nlur@alaska.net

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