I do not regard myself
as having laid
hold of perfection
yet, but one thing
I do, forgetting
what lies behind and reaching
forward to what lies
ahead. I press on toward the
goal for the prize
of the high call of God in Christ Jesus.
On to new and better
Amen & Amen!!!
Please book mark
our new sites
You really can begin
again in Jesus
it's never to late!!!!!!
I'm sis Sherry Mackey
come on in and rest
personal letter to you!!!
And the gospel must
first be
"published" among
all nations.
Mark 13:10
I will give
thee the treasures of darkness,
and hidden riches
of secret places, that thou
may know that I, the
Lord, which call thee
by thy name,
I AM the God of Israel.
Isaiah 45:3
"The New Beginnings"
of Cyberspace
To go where no man has gone
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I have come to the conclusion that all people are fickle at times, including myself. It is amazing it has taken me this long to figure that out! The various links and writings below, I humbly submit these to the body of Christ.I am human therefore prone to mistakes. I believe all prophecies are not meant for all people, for those who are connected to them by the Holy Spirit. I and those who contribute to these pages will try our best to convey the messages God gives us.
Revelations are often not completely understood. I asked the Lord why He didn't give me the interpretation, or why He wouldn't allow me to write it.
His answer to this question was, "the ones who have the need to know will connect with the word."
We must judge everything by the Word of God. The Spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets.
There are many things that I have questioned myself, and therefore you have that liberty to do the same, for we are all accountable before God with what we allow to come into our spirits.
Guard our hearts and our minds for out of it comes the issues of life. Only the scriptures are infallible.
As you explore this site, I pray the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth, and also give you the discernment to be able to separate any chaff from the wheat.
Much Love!
Sis Sherry Mackey
Our Vision
"Our Purpose"Statement of Faith
"Our beliefs"Catch of the Day
"Featuring current Prophetic Words"The Gathering of Eagles
"Featuring current stream words from other prophets"The Balance is in My Hand
"Insights into current movements as weighed by scripture"Thy Rod and Thy Staff
"Pastoral insights"Come and Graze
"Teachings"The Highways and Byways
"The way of salvation and testimonies"The Secret Place
"The way of intimacy and intercessions"WARNING
"Authoritarian, cult organizations and churches"Archive Files
"Prophecy and teachings"Featured monthly articles
"Timely instruction in Truth"
Publications taken from this site may be used to promote the gospel
of Jesus Christ. The article's taken from this site, must be used according to it's entirety with the appropriate author's name, url, e-mail address included, if applicable.
We want you to know that we love you and are concerned for you! Please find your place in Him and make Him Lord everyday!!!
You really can begin again in Jesus,
it's never to late! God Bless!!!
Love sis Sherry
Connections with our friends in cyberspace
We are under heavy construction, so what you see is what you get. Please don't let your feathers get ruffled!!! Remember, birds of a feather flock together!!!
Pray for us!!!