V-2 Skate

Every good skiier I have talked to thinks they should V-2 skate more often.

In V2 skate the pole plant occures with both left and right glide. It takes more balance but it is more efficient than V1 and V1.5 on the flats and downhills. The pole plant occures before the step. The sequence is Poleplant-Step-Glide Poleplant-Step-Glide.

If you are an Alpine skiier this may be the skate technique that you already know.

The tricky thing is that you have to balance onone ski long time. In V-1 on your lead side you have three points of contact; one ski,two poles. In V-2 you are on only one; your ski.

Tips for the Beginner


How to Avoid Waxing

Types of Equipment

How to use the Wrong Equipment

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