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Tips Tricks Tools and Include Files
This page contains a few helpful tips and tricks for customizing your calendar.  If you have anything you feel would be useful to others, please feel free to contribute to this page.  You can email

IDT Include Files
IDT include file are commonly used for Holidays, Moon Phases, Birthdays, Paydays etc.  You can create these files yourself.  They are simply text files that end with a .IDT extension.  You place these files into the the directory that contains your calendar files. You should find a  couple of .IDT files distributed with your calendar software. You  optionally choose to include these IDT data files onto your calendars from the  Administration Add-Ins calendar page.  IDT Details will describe how to create your own files.  Below are some idt files you can download and use.

Adding Graphical Images
Adding graphical images to your calendar is easy to accomplish. It is requires embedding a small amount of html into the text that is to appear on the calendar. The images to appear can be located anywhere, but it is easiest if you put these images into the directory that holds your calendar files.

Example for an image in your calendar directory
This code will work because the image ical2.jpg is installed with iCal program. Use this as the text for a calendar event.

<IMG SRC="/ical2.jpg"> Cool!

Example for an image located somewhere on the network

<IMG SRC=""> Cool!

Adding URL and Email Links to the Popup Window
The following text can be placed into the popup text of an event. It demonstrates how a URL link can open a new browser window. It also shows how to embed an email link. This could could also be placed directly into the text that appears on the calendar.
Contact <A HREF=""></A>
or go to <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Brown Bear Software</A>

Side Bar Menu
There is a clever trick that can be used to get a menu along the left side of your calendar. This is accomplished by putting html code in the calendar header and footer. Below are samples for the header and footer. You can customize these to your own needs. Sample Menu Calendar is the result of using the header and footer code below. You will also see the graphical moon phases idt file.
This goes in the calendar header
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Brown Bear Software </TITLE></HEAD>
<TABLE WIDTH=100%><!-------- Begin Side Menu ----------->
<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="" ><b>Home</b></A>
<P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="" ><b>iCal Details</b></A>
<p><p></TD></TR></TABLE></TD><!--------- End Side Menu --------->
<!----------- BEGIN OUTPUT --------->
<P ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC="" ALT="Brown Bear Software logo">
This goes in the calendar footer
</BLOCKQUOTE></TD></TR> </TABLE> <p><!------- END OUTPUT --------> </TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

iCalMinder: A COOL little program to alert you of upcoming events
This is slick little program donated by Gary Bishop Feel free to send Gary compliments on this program! It is a small Windows application program that runs in the system tray. It will monitor any iCal calendar for upcoming events. Download iCalMinder.exe and start the program. Right click on the calendar tray icon for help. Sweet and simple! You are also welcome to the source code.

Brown Bear Software Brown Bear Software
1405 Matterhorn Way
Anchorage, AK 99508
Phone: (907) 278-1231
FAX: (907) 222-2934