Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Nathan's reached some nifty milestones this week. Just today, he started using his fist to make the "ba ba ba ba ba" sound, moving his lips while humming. All that practice with Papa and Noah is paying off! And a couple of days ago, he did something spiffy and new but it skips my mind. Last week or two he's started doing some very basic locomotion - moving around a little bit by rolling to one side or the other, falling over in a prefered direction or dragging himself a little bit with his arms. Not quite crawling yet, but coming soon. Last month, found the penis. He also prefers to sit up on a blanket on the floor now, instead of in his rocker.

Of course Nathan has been really interactive since he was very tiny, he's always been a smiler since he was very small infant, and lots of laughing now. Sheida starting to hold still for him o pet her, she's so great.

It's been a pretty long coldish spell of low teens daytime and teens below night and morning, but it hasn't felt so bad at all. Probably because the light has been coming back pretty fast, it's light until after dinner and the sky is barely brightening up on the way in to work in the morning. Yay. When Noah an I got downtown Saturday morning for the pancake feed at Rondy it was -18 below and windy. That kind of hurt exposed skin after 2 blocks actually. We lingred over breakfast before heading out to see the dog races and model trains. Came across a curling tournament at the ice rink in town square park of all things, and an ice slide. At 4pm saw Charlotte's web at the Perf Arts Ctr and almost made it thru the whole play before losing interest.
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