Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears
~ Thursday, June 15, 2006
Rainy and in the 60s, some more typical summer days settling in. The Sitka rose has been blooming a pink riot for a week and the first blue flag iris bloomed in the iris patch near the mailbox. Carrots finally emerged but are surrounded by thick chickweed, like the rest of the gardens. Our new gas lawnmower produces nice green mulch to use on the annual beds and try to smother this nasty weed. Alyssum is the best performer of all - forget lobelia next year, we should just use alyssum. So thick and covered with tiny flowers, very fragrant - the perfect bushy low annual. So far no obvious sawfly damage to currants or gooseberries (they can deoliate bushes in less than 2 days) but the thalictrum flower stalk is covered by fuzzy gray potato bugs, yuck. Primrose are still blooming. No mint sightings yet though. Ecinacea didn't appear to make it thru the winter either. Big volunteer lupine in several spots around the yard, and the columbine is very huge and very healthy this year, finally, 3 years after planting! One bunch of flowers on the (whatever that bush is, name escapes me) bush near the front. Tiny hidden flowers on the scrawny apple tree. Ferns are absolutely lush along the north side. Still need to find energy to finish weeding the front native garden, to plant the garden in front of the house and to put nasturtium boxes on the deck. Someday, maybe.
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