Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Monday, May 29, 2006
The boy is happy and we went to the park yesterday to see model trains and run like a nut through the big grassy fields. We found the 'springs' of Russian Jack Springs park - an entire rushing, 20 foot wide brook emerges right out of the ground within a 100 foot stretch. Really something. Still hot and sunny.

New perennial blooms this week: bleeding hearts and primroses at the front door, the drift of pink tulips in front yard (but smaller and fewer of them this year than previously), Aleutian speedwell in native garden of front yard. Coming soon: the first flower buds ever are on the lilac near the street. The tiny bulb flowers scattered around are still blooming. Ferns have spread quite a bit around the north side garden. Sticky bud casings from the birches flying everywhere this week, coating the deck and furniture. Lobelia basket sunburned at the yard lamp but otherwise plants looking OK.

Widgeons and red-necked grebes are nesting on the lake. Saw 2 families of babies so far. Steller's jay in a backyard tree this morning, and we can still hear the mourning dove that we heard in a tree down the street. Never heard a dove up here before, the tree's owner thinks it might be an escapee.
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