Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Monday, August 23, 2004
The boy has just started making clicking sounds with his tongue. Tsk, tsk, tsk. With a big smile showing that tongue in action. Such an active little man, crawling fast all over the place. Most alarming, yesterday - while playing in a mostly-empty tub - he stood straight up from a sitting position using his legs only, no arms required to "crawl up" to standing. He can hold out for a few seconds standing unassisted. He's an old pro at standing while holding on with just one hand (such as holding onto the bars of his new gate while crying loudly for attention) and side-stepping along furniture while holding on with hands. Seeing Sheida the mutt usually sets of a seriers of "da - da - da - da" sounds.... dog? or just the sound of the month? Planting baby in the far corner of the yard while Mommy mows the lawn is only partially successful... he starts crawling right away and needs to be snatched up at the other side of the yard (near the debris under the deck construction) after only 3 rows mowed.

That's my boy!
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