Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Sunday, March 14, 2004
Sunday and taking some time to get things done around the house. There's a bit of a backlog in the sock-sorting department. Nice to start out the week with a cleaner house that's happier to come home to after a long day.

Noah is starting to do a fun manitpulative thing. We think it's his first tries to get us to do something for him, besides signaling that he's hungry. For some time now baby has made long, steady "mmmmmmmmmmm" noises. Mommy had been, for a little more than a week, twiddling his lips with her finger to make him do a 'bee-ber-bee-ber-bee-ber-bee-ber" sound. Well, a few days later, he actually started to purse his lips when Mommy brought her finger near, and then they made the sound together. Yesterday, he actually started grabbing her finger - then pulling it to his mouth - and then starting his 'bee-ber-bee-ber-bee-ber" sound. Pretty fun! Tool use in primates.

Keep your eyes out for photos...

Goodnight cow jumping over the moon.

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