Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Saturday, March 20, 2004
Pup up, Brown Down
Mister Brown is out of town!

Baby is on Daddy's hip in the sling, watching him type today's update. Noah's strong arms are moving all over the place these days, and he's holding on strong to lots of things. Big news is that, on Tuesday, Junior held his own baby bottle while Daddy was feeding him! He pulls things off the table and brings them up to his chest for play now too.

We hear lots of proto-consonants this week, as he breaks up his long vocalizations into "ba ba ba ba" or "doo doo doo doo" - not quite there yet but getting close. Amazing how suddenly he's started to pull together all the small skills he's been developing and coordinating them into something more complex and useful.

Of course he's smiley all the time with his little dimples and shining eyes. Crying now and then of course but a pretty happy boy. Cat and dog are grabbed whenever they come into range, and doggie is quite tolerant so far. Except that she loves to lick, lick, lick baby's face until we have to ask her to stop sometimes.

It's really cold out this morning, so we're going to stay in a bit until things warm up.

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