But he was still hungry!
Junior continues to improve his coordination - it looks like very recently he is bringing together all the different small tasks he's been learning into larger, more orchestrated movements. The big event... while sitting in his car-seat stroller on Sunday, he reached up for the retractable hanging spider toy, grasped it, and
pulled it down to himself using his left hand. And of course, when he let go, it slowly sprung back upward. Previously, Mommy or Daddy had pulled it down for him to hold.. at least until it pulled itself out of his grasp. Or he'd grabbed it but not pulled down. That's our little higher primate!
At the moment he's in his elastic stand-seat, playing with toys that we couldn't convince him to even grasp just 3 months ago. How fun!
It's really warm this week - highs near 50, lows in the high 20s, and the snow and ice are melting all over. It's also spring break for the high school kiddies, and their unwelcome presence on the roads has been obvious. Haven't started seeds in over 2 weeks and Daddy is very sad about that, but really can't spend time on it. Sigh. School will be over in just a few months.
The DSL setup went really quick (like 10 minutes) and we're now online at high speed - which will make videoconferences with family and working on schoolwork from home much, much easier than before. Very cool. However our poor old 450 Mhz PC isn't doing so well with the load.