Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Sunday, January 25, 2004
Commentary on compact fluorescent lights:

We installed a bunch of them when we moved in, April 2001 or so. Mostly GE, and several off-brand "Lights of America" ones that were cheap at the big-box hardware store.

Impressions so far:
- GE CFL twist-lights are by far the best in the house. Their light is the most similar to regular incandescent light of all the compact fluorescents we have in the house. They're all still working just fine, including those in recessed fixtures. Color temperature is 2700.

- Lights of America: 3 of them have failed within the past 2 weeks, after 2 1/2 years of use. They were supposed to last 5, and the ones which failed were in locations where they got used far less freuqently than the GE lights which are still going strong. They also have an ugly, brighter-white fluorescent look to them. Junk.

- Sylvania: just used 2 of these installed in our home office ceiling fixture (which is not an enclosed fixture). They also have a garish white light, not fluorescent... but "daylight". However, I'm not really looking for daylight in the house from myh lamps. I'm looking for my lamps to give off light like, well.. lamps.

And so GE is the way to go... just like you'd expect of course.

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