Mike Rehberg and Donna Mears

~ Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Termination dust

Saturday Mike drove down to Soldotna and back to pick up our reds at the fish packing place. On the drive home, it was thick wet snow in Turnagain Pass. Later that afternoon, at the wedding of Marina and Matt at O'Malley's Restauruant, the clouds parted to show the mountains now had a thick blanket of snow. First of the season! Melted in town of course, but fall is really here.

Spending lots of time on schoolwork and work work getting ready for my absence after baby. Spending the rest of my time preparing the house for Thumper's arrival next month. Almost done repainting the nursery.. I wanted a light pastel blue, but Donna wanted white, so we compromised and painted it white.

Made final choices on the baby's gift registry. Still a fair number of loose ends but Donna's confident we have everything under control. Should be getting our plane tickets soon for the trip back East as well.

Thyme is doing fine in the subfreezing (high 20s) nights; so are oregano, rosemary and sage. Snapdragons, fucschia, alyssum, prairie dawn rose and the tall-stalked plant with the cylindrical spiky bright purple flower are also doing well. Carrots, rhubarb, strawberries, cabbage and the birdseed sunflowers appear OK too.

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