C.B.S. Executive Concierges has been has been serving the public since 1989. Now, with the help
of the Internet, we are prepared to expand our service to include inbound visitors, or curious surfers on a fee-based
consulting basis.
Securing premium seats at the Anchorage Center for the Performing Arts,
fine restaurants, sporting events, Fur Rendezvous and the Iditarod Races.
Handling all manner of transportation including
taxis to the airport and private jets to the Arctic Circle.
Providing referrals to visitors and would-be visitors.
Let's talk about it!
Please contact CBS Concierge for a brief,
no-obligation introduction to the very best in concierge
services for Anchorage and all Alaska..
Researching any subject car rentals to child care to nearby notaries (I am one!)
Arranging parties for birthdays, holidays, and corporate functions.
Arranging personal care services such as massage, manicures, facials
shoe and luggage repair
dry cleaning and leather cleaning
laundry, medical and alternative medicine, churches, etc.
Providing maps and directions as needed.