Directions to Marlow's on the Kenai
You'll find Marlow's On The
Kenai by driving south on the Sterling Highway past Sterling to Milepost 85
where you turn left on Scout Loop Road (note: this is the second Scout Loop entrance when
driving from the north). You will go one and a half miles on Scout Loop to the
"T" intersection - turn right on Lou Morgan Road. Travel approximately one mile and
then turn left on Sir Martin's Road. At the intersection of Sir Martins Road and
Stephen’s drive, look for our sign just across the
intersection. Our open
field and cedar sided cabins on the river are easy
to spot.
to The Seward House in Seward
on the main highway through town. The
highway becomes Third Avenue. Turn left on Monroe Avenue and progress
toward the ocean for 3 blocks to 6th Avenue.
Turn right on 6th---the Seward house is the second house on the
right, 535 6th Avenue. It's a
tall gray house with a chain link fence and a circle window on the upper
level. Leanne’s phone number is 224-4614.
find the Shearwater, Neil’s charter boat, go to the small boat harbor.
Find the Harbor Master’s office, and the ramp to the harbor that
is just to the left of the office as you face the harbor.
Go down on the “D” float, and Neil’s catamaran, the
Shearwater is in slip D 14.