
Alaska's First
Murphy Jon DelGado

Hi again! WOW! This has been one heck of a first few weeks! There has been activity surrounding me virtually every day. Not only am I rapidly changing, but I am being subjected to all sorts of probing and prodding and they even had my penis shortened! Ouch! They said it was for my own good and called it something like circus season, but let me tell you, I didn't see any clowns or trained monkeys! I also had to see the baby doctor and she said I was as healthy as they come,  but just to show her everything was properly functioning, I peed on her! My Mom and Dad say I am an exceptionally good boy, but just in case, they knock on wood very often. They are still keeping me pretty much under wraps, but I think in a few weeks, I am going to go do some visiting! Watch out!    

This top photo was taken of me on Wednesday at noon. I have gained about 10 ounces since I was born and about ½ inch in height. My Dad has taken lots and lots of photos but only had a few minutes to get these on the web. I think early next week he is going to add some more! Well once again, that about takes care of tonight's installment. I have gotten emails and greetings from all over the world and want to thank each and every one of you for caring! See ya soon!


Visit Murphy's Archives:  January 4, 2001

January 20, 2001

Murphy's email.  Send me something!