
Alaska's Handsomest!
Murphy Jon DelGado

My how time flies when you're having fun!  It has been over a month since I've added to my website.  I'm practically grown!  I just got on the scale yesterday and weighed in at a svelte 11 pounds 9 ounces!  I think I'm about 23-1/2 inches long, but that seems to vary somewhat by how much I'm squirming!  My Mom and Dad just had me in for my first volley of shots and wasn't that a treat!  My Dad said they gave me parvo, kennel cough and rabies vaccinations but I think he's full of it! I've got to admit though; I did real good! After the nurse was finished harpooning me, she put on these little snoopy Band-Aids!  Although it didn't do anything to mask the pain, they were cute! 
We have been real busy around here lately. My Dad is working on our tax stuff to send South to Harry our accountant and we're also looking for someone to come to our home and be my Nanny.  So if you know of anyone that you would recommend and could pass a FBI background examination, are not on the State of Alaska's database of sexual offenders, posses an exemplary driving record, have demonstrated scholastic achievement preferably in early childhood development, can provide multiple verifiable references and don't mind being subjected to a exhaustive verbal examination just drop us an email below!  I'm a good kid and this is a pretty cool house, so I think with the right person, this could be a really good deal!  And it's really not as horrible as it sounds, they just want what's best for me and to make sure they find the right person.                   


All the pictures up above were just taken yesterday!  My Dad says he likes the goofy looking pictures better than the rest.  I can't wait until I can take some pictures of him!  The pictures below were actually taken this morning, except the one with my afro hairdo; that's a few weeks old!  See what I mean about goofy pictures!  Hogan (my hairy brother) sends his love too! Take care!  


Visit Murphy's Archives:  Feb 04, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives:
  Jan 20, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives:  Jan 04, 2001

March 18, 2001

Murphy's email.  Send me something!