
Alaska's Toothiest!
Murphy Jon DelGado

Hello All! Wow! It has been a month and a half since my last contribution to the world wide web. I have done so much I don't quite know quite where to start!
First, as you may have noticed, I have a tooth! It's not a very big tooth, but if you squint real hard and look at my lower gum, you can see my new bicuspid! As my Dad has always said: I'm very advanced!
Next, I have found my Nanny! After an exhaustive nation wide search (Juneau and Douglas) we narrowed it down to only two. Then after applying an  analytical quantative approach (coin toss) we hired Pam! Welcome Pam, I am really glad you are my Nanny (and we didn't actually toss a coin!) My Mom is gradually getting back to work and will be back completely by June. She is doing real good and I know she is sad about leaving me, but rest assured Mom, I'm in good hands.
I took my first plane ride about a month ago! Wow is that cool! We were in the very first row and if I have to toot my own horn, I did REAL good! I even got my own set of pilots wings! We went primarily to visit Grandma and Grandpa (Dad's Parents) and see all our friends in Washington. Funny thing though; Dad told me he was raised by a she-wolf in the Brook's Range! Grandma didn't look like a wolf to me. Hmmm. As the final highlight of our sojourn, we went to the zoo! My Dad insisted on showing  me the Beluga Whales at Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium! What a treat! The Baby Beluga came right up to the glass and looked directly into my eyes! Amazing! We also got to see a Walrus, some Polar Bears and other animals I hope to hunt some day!  Unfortunately, I slept through the elephants, so maybe next time I can stay awake a little longer.

We are actually going to go down to Washington again on the ninth of this month! I don't know exactly what is in store for me on this trip, but I think it's the Seattle Art Museum the Frye Art Museum and the Woodland Park Zoo! Cross your fingers.
Well, that about summarizes last month's activities.  Sorry for only one new picture but time was short and the computer was slow. Until next time, 


13 Pounds 9 Ounces of two fisted fury

Visit Murphy's Archives: March 18,2001
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  Feb 04, 2001
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  Jan 20, 2001
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May 5, 2001
!Cinco de Mayo!

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