
Undeniably Alaska's Handsomest!
Murphy Jon DelGado

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Hola!  Right off, I must apple-ogize for the lengthy delay in my latest dispatch!  It has been three whole months since I have had a spare moment to update my site and I just want to say I am sorry!  My parents have had so many people asking when's the next update, and finally, here it is.  It's going to be fast and furious, so if you notice errors and mistakes, give me a break; I am only seven months!
First, as I had described in my last report, I have not only sprouted my first tooth, but now it has been joined by one next to it and FOUR more coming through the top!  Corn on the cob, here I come!  I was dreading the "teething stage" as it is affectionately known, but it actually hasn't been so bad.  I drool a lot, but that is kind of fun and it makes me feel closer to my hairy older brother Hogan because he drools a lot too!   Kinda a primal deal.  My Dad brushes my shinny bicuspids for me every night and I am just counting the days 'til I can use his Sonicare!
As you may have remembered from my last report, we went South to Washington to check out Grandma, the zoo, antique shops and museums.  We had a GREAT time and saw a bunch of neat animals.  I'd love to show you some of the pictures, like one of this huge black Hippopotamus but unfortunately, someone wanted our digital camera more than we did and with it went the zoo pics!  But in true Alaska spirit, my Dad went and bought a new one the next Day. Ouch!  So to make a long story short: When going to the Woodland Park Zoo, chain down your valuables!   
That trip to Washington was my second plane ride and I do love flying! Alaska Airlines MVP here I come!  On this next Saturday, I am going on my first boat ride!  My Mom and Dad are taking me up to Haines for the State Fair. That should be so cool!   They have a lumberjack competition and horses and bunnies and everything. We are crossing our fingers for nice weather, but then again, we do live in a rain forest!       

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We have had bunches of visitors this summer including my friend Garret. He's lots older than me (almost three) but we are still buddies! That is his picture right above this.  He comes over from Kodiak and goes salmon fishing with his dad Ron on their 58' limit seiner the Sylvia Star.  Last year, he just had to watch from the wheelhouse, but this year he got to go on deck and throw old dog salmon and humpies into the fish hold.  I can't wait till I can go fishing with Uncle Ron! Maybe I'll be his new skiff-man! 
I am continuing to grow like a weed and on this last check up I weighed in at 16 pounds and 8 ounces.  Almost nearing bantam weight!  The exam went great and the doctor says I am "perfect" (her words) but just to show her I am still all boy, I peed on the exam table! Yea!   
Well thanks for stopping in to say hello!   Everything is really going very well and I am just loving life.  I am also posting some pictures of other activities I have participated in but didn't tell you about.  Like watching the Phillipino dancers and taking a tram ride!  I hope you like them!  I do appreciate all the people who visit my sight and send me emails.  I hope to get to meet all of you some day.        

16 Pounds 8 Ounces of two fisted fury

Visit Murphy's Archives: May 5,2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: March 18,2001
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  Feb 04, 2001
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  Jan 20, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives:  Jan 04, 2001

August 6, 2001

Murphy's email.  Send me something!

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