
Alaska's Future Governor
Murphy Jon DelGado

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First, sorry for the extreme delay in this, my latest update. Time can really get away from you. I can't really begin to describe all the activities I've done since we last spoke, so I am going to cover what I can easily remember and also what has happened lately. I am so very fortunate to have done so much, seen so many things and made so many good friends that I just want to say thank you to everyone.  And since I only have a short time before my afternoon nap, I am only going to cover most of the high spots!  Anyhow, this is what's happening in the life of an Irish Magyar boy!

finished up 2001 with a grand total of five Alaska Airlines flights!   We flew to Seattle twice, California once, Sitka once and to Anchorage for Thanksgiving.  I missed making an Alaska Airlines MVP this year but still had over 10,000 flight miles!  Kinda impressive for my first year!

n my trip to California, we had a great time and I actually got to see something I hadn't seen much of: The sun! We stayed with my Auntie Lydia and her new dog daughter Rosie. They have a nice old house in Oakland and she even has an orange tree in her back yard!  I got to pick some of them and boy were they delicious!  We also visited my Cousin Kathy and her husband Dan.  Two days after we left, Kathy and Dan surprised me with a baby of their own, my second cousin Caspian!  He's a cool dude and in fact he got to come up and spend Christmas with me! His Dad is a web guru and Caspian has his own website also, but it seems to be down right now.  We returned home the day before the Trade Center and Pentagon tragedy; Lady Luck was with us on that trip! 

Next, I'm RICH! Yes, in the top left picture you see that I am holding the winnings of my first big strike! My Dad bought me two Juneau Volunteer Firefighter raffle tickets, and my second ticket, number 229 (scientific numeral selection, I'll tell you how someday) hit a payday! Of course my Uncle Brad was drawing the tickets but we won't go there. But on the other hand, why did I only win $500 and not the 10 large UNCLE? We'll discuss that later. It's all for a worthy cause and well worth the investment. My Dad is sinking it into my portfolio; something called MSFT. Sounds like misfit. What are you saying old man! Boy this update is starting out rough!

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I hit the sixteen month mark about a week ago and I sure love growing up. I have nearly a full set of chompers which has allowed me to chow down on nearly everything. Of course my granola-chewing parents won't allow me to have any good junky stuff but that hasn’t stopped me from making some great culinary discoveries. I really like fish, especially halibut and salmon, which my Dad hates. And I really love watermelon, which my Dad also hates. So pretty much any food my Dad hates I love! Funny how that works, huh. I also have been able to try lots of game meat, like Caribou, Moose, and Mountain Goat: Things only an Alaskan boy could enjoy. I'm trying to really stay away from beef. My Dad says you could end up with vCJD, which is the human form of BSE. If you want to find out more about the BSE, vCJD, McDonald's and the meat packing industry, besides the above links, you can read the book, Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. As an interesting footnote, my Aunt Lydia tried to pick up the author at a book signing in Berkeley but she was rejected! Tough luck Auntie!

just completed my first MS Walk last Saturday. We raised $400 for our friends with Multiple Sclerosis, and especially my friend Ken. It was a little over 4 miles, which is no big. Of course, I slept most of the way but hey, I am allowed to do that. Next Saturday, we go on the ADA Bike ride, which is about 20 miles. A little bit more challenging but way doable. Of course, I just get to cruise in my cart while my Dad drags me along so we'll see how tired he gets. He dragged me 17 miles with lots of hills the other day, so I don't think 20 flat miles should be too bad. Of course, my view never changes (his fat butt) but if you're not the lead dog, the view never does change does it! As soon as we are done with that, we have to catch a plane and head North to Anchorage for a friends 40th birthday party. I think were going to get him some Viagra. My Dad says it will help him stay up but I don't know why he would want to; I kinda like sleeping!

Summer is just starting up here in the frozen North. We have had a great spring, kind of cold but lots of sunshine. My Grandparents are coming up for a visit in a few weeks. I haven't seen them in a year so are they in for some torture! I'm a fast little camper now old folks, better bring lots of espresso!

My Mom and Dad are talking about hauling me to California again at the end of the month. Get some sun, visit my cousin Caspian, go to CAL and just chill and have some fun. Maybe catch some music and check out Bezerkley! Speak of music; My Dad flew south last week and got to check out Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. He said it was awesome and I wish I could have went, because I really like Neil Young, but he says it's to loud for my little ears and I'll have to be a little older before he'll start taking me to concerts. My Dad says these older band members are dying off, so catch them while you can.

Well, I am going to start converting this to HTML and get it uploaded to my site. I want to tell you so much more but better just get this off for now. The top row of pictures are as follows: Me and my raffle winnings, a bad hair day, my Mom, me and my buddy Governor Tony Knowles. The middle set of pictures are of my dog brother Hogan opening his Christmas presents and in the next one he is prentending he was Santa! I didn't believe him though.  

Thanks for visiting my site and I do apologize for not updating this in so long. I'll definitely make an attempt to keep on it every month or two at the latest. Have fun!


23 Pounds 8 Ounces of two fisted fury

P.S. I am going to be adding some more pictures in a day or two. Had some technical difficulties with my Adobe. Check back soon!

P.S.S. For those of you that are internet challenged, any underlined, blue words you see above is capable of transporting you to another web site that I have chosen just for you! Try a few and see what you think!

Visit Murphy's Archives: August 6, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: May 5,2001

Visit Murphy's Archives: March 18,2001
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  Feb 04, 2001
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  Jan 20, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives:  Jan 04, 2001

May 13, 2002

Murphy's email.  Send me something!