Official Website of Alaska's Coolest Kid!
Murphy Jon DelGado

Hola People! Welcome. It's been a few months since my last posting, not bad considering how busy I have been these last few months. Also, I am now officially one and a half years old!

If you have been to my web site before, you are going to notice quite a change from the past design. I've decided to add more pictures, and a few less words. I am still going to have lots of links to neat places and stuff, but I'll include it after the pictures, towards the bottom of the page. In a nutshell, here is a recap of the last few months:

I am now an official student at the Juneau Montessori School! I took the plunge about a month ago and it has been quite the experience. It is taking a little adjustment, after all, I had my Nanny Pam for over a year and now I am not the only sun in the solar system, if you know what I mean. But, I am having fun there and learning new things every day. I have a whole bunch of friends and we do all kinds of fun stuff together, like bake bread, go for walks and splash in puddles! It's really cool!

Our trip to California was really fun! It sure was nice to get some sunshine on my body. We did lots of neat stuff, like pavement hike across the Golden Gate Bridge and go to the UC Berkeley Campus. We also went to Tilden Park with my Aunt Lydia, Cousin Kathy and Second Cousin Caspian. We fed the animals and had a picnic! Of course soon after our meal, I decided I needed some sun where the sun doesn't usually shine and went streaking! Boy was that fun! We capped off that journey with a sojourn through Washington and visited with Uncle Nick and Uncle Dan and their families. We also got to check out the opening of Dale Chihuly's Trade Blanket Collection at the Washington State Historical Museum in Tacoma. It was way cool!

We haven't had as many visitors this year as normal, but the ones we have had are sure good ones, especially my Grandma and Grandapa Varga from Ohio! We had lots of fun together and I can't wait to see them again. We also spend quite a bit of time with my adopted Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Clark. They live near so I can see them often. In fact, just tonight, Mom, Dad, Grandpa Clark, my Hairy older brother Hogan and I, went to the park and went swinging! Dad and Grandpa rode their bikes (Dad towed me in my trailer) and Mom and Hogan walked down.

As far as Alaska goes, we are always doing something, like bike riding, going up Mount Roberts or just hanging out enjoying each others company. I really am a lucky young man. Well thanks for stopping in and I hope you enjoy my site. Take care and above all have FUN!

"22 Pounds of two fisted fury"

P.S. There are quite a few PICS below, so if you're still in the dark ages and don't have a cable modem or DSL, it might take a few minutes to load.

Want to email me? murphy@alaskafirst.com                      

Having a laugh with my Dad! I am in my SUPER MURPHY outfit! We had a lot of fun that day.

Berkeley, CA

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The beast we met in California! He was way cool! I fed him some lettuce and carrots.

Berkeley, CA

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Getting in touch with my natural side. It sure felt nice to let it all hang out! Really out!

Berkeley, CA

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You should always take time to stop and smell the poppies! Just don't eat too many! Yuk!

Berkeley, CA

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Eat your heart out Beavis and Butthead! I can do the best CORNHOLIO impression ever!

Douglas, AK

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Looking back towards SF. My Dad packed me across the gate! It was very windy out.

Golden Gate, CA

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Bet you didn't know SUPER MURPHY could fly! But the landing can be a real bummer!

Oakland, CA

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Early spring riding. Notice all the snow still left! It's COLD but once you get going, it's great!

Douglas, AK

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Looking up one of the supports on the bridge. It really is a very impressive structure. And BIG!

Golden Gate, CA

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FIRST HAIR CUT DAY! The before! Getting worked up for my first official haircut!

Juneau, AK

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FIRST HAIR CUT DAY! My Dad held me and Lisa from Hair Etc. did the evil deed.

Juneau, AK

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FIRST HAIR CUT DAY! The aftermath! Quite the handsome looking little dude eh?

Juneau, AK

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Getting ready for our rainy MS Walk. We raised about $400! We all look very excited huh! NOT!

Juneau, AK

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Uncle Chris and my Dad preparing for the ADA Bike ride. 20 miles in under 2 hours.

Juneau, AK

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My handsome brother, keeping a watchful eye. Would you like to put your hand in the window?

Juneau, AK

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My morning look. Note the Band-Aid on my forehead. I'll post more details about that later.

Juneau, AK

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This is my Uncle Nick and Dad's place. We're partners. Can you say The Soprano's?

Tacoma, WA

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Here I am helping stock the Pepsi cooler at our pizza place. Watch out Domino's: Here we come!

Tacoma, WA

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Feeding the beast. I'm still lucky to have all my fingers attached! Actually this old billy goat was really nice and gentle. I liked him.

Berkeley, CA

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Here you can view the full effect of my Super Murphy outfit. Cape included! I'm showing my Dad something we rarely see: The SUN! Eeeeek!

Berkeley, CA

Visit Murphy's Archives: May 13, 2002
Visit Murphy's Archives: Aug 06, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: May 05, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: Mar 18, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: Feb 04, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: Jan 20, 2001
Visit Murphy's Archives: Jan 04, 2001

Hike across the Golden Gate Bridge
Next, try the Bridge of Glass
Blow glass with Dale Chihuly
Keep warm with a Pendelton blanket
Visit UC Berkeley
Find out about Montessori Education
Break some at the Museum of Glass
Get historical at WSHS
Feed the animals at Tilden Park
What is DSL
Have a Murphy's
Check out a Giant
Try a cardboard Pizza

July 20,2002