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These hints work good for me, and they should help you…
  1. When you start a new game always buy 2 new people and get them armed.
  2. Buy as many auto-cannons as you can and get explosive ammo for them.
  3. Then get laser sniper rifles for all but one of your people, and that person should have a aoto-cannon with armor peircing ammo.
  4. Get a prophet missile launcher, with all the missiles you can buy.
That first part was just a start up walkthrough thing, now you get the hints!
This is a collection of hints sent by different people on the web.
  1. Raid Cult of Sirius Buildings! Then sell the stuff you get. Like the Psi-Clone. (It is worth $4500 and that is enough for 9 people!)
  2. Get allied with… Megapol, Marsec, Diablo, S.E.L.F., and Mutant alliance.  Don't forget the Goverment!
  3. Marsec Armor is really light but won't guard you as well as megapol armor will. So buy Marsec body armor (It makes you fly), and get the rest of your armor megapol.  If you can GET THE XCOM ARMOR!!!!  it is a good substitute for the megapol stuff.
  4. Androids are immune to brainsuckers and Psi-attacks.
  5. Try to have three groups or four in each mission.
  6. If your people can fly, it is good to keep them at least three levels up. (Poppers and Grenades).
  7. Save your game before you do anything drastic!
  8. Watch out for "Damage to city", It hurts you!
  9. Always have your engineers working, and then sell all the stuff you build.
  10. In a group of 4 people, at least 2 people can't have explosive, or incinerary ammo. Because of the hyperworms.
  11. Try to take out any hostile vehicle but watch out for "damage to city".
  12. Don't send a vehicle with people on it to shoot down a UFO, unless you saved the game first.
  13. As soon as you can, get advanced research buildings.
  14. If you have a person with a Recharging weapon, try to get two for him. (Or her).
  15. A fun thing to do is blow up a Cult of Sirius building.
  16. Stun Grenades put out fires.
  18. Build a security station next to your access lift, and your Vehicle Repair bay.
  19. Keep your people spread out as much as you can.
  20. Group your team members by weapon type.  Four Cannons firing HE can do some damage.  Four Rifles work great for   those annoying ticks,  IE: Brain Suckers.  Credit...C.Bigles
  21. small launchers are accurate and work good for groups of aliens.
  22. hawk air warriors are good for shooting down ufos at the beginning
  23. explosive rounds are good for hyper worms
  24. spitters have the maximum psi-defense. theres no use in trying to probe them or anything just kill or stun them
  25. aliens will wake up again after being stunned so watch out
  26. research as many aliens as possiblethe alien disruptor gun sells for $2000 after you research them be sure to make many of these.
  27. Buy and arm a couple of hover bikes for red vehicle, (don't use missles for this they hurt the city), stay low
  28. Use the cars as missile platforms only, send em out fire and return they'll be destroyed or heavilly damsged if engaged.
  29. Before battle, arm your agents with 2 personal diruptor shields. They are almost invinsable!
  30. Make 3 bases, (i did)one for the basic stuff, alien containment ect. one with the large buildings for building items and research, and the last for just vechile repair bays for fast repair!
  31. Carry about 1/2 as many medipacks as you have group members.  When a squad member gets wounded, have a teammate throw the medipack to him!
  32. In real time game play, arm you guys with one weapon in each hand.  So when they fire, they do more damage.
  33. manufacture toxiguns, they are the most profitable in terms of cost to make and work hours to make....also wait untill the beginning of each week to unload stuff to the stores... the price drops each week depending on the amount you sell... sell all road vehicles, they are worthless and give that much needed cash at the beginning of the game... 2 hover bikes, one with a cargo module and one with a biotransport module work perfect and are better in battle.  Thanks to Dave on this one!
  34. After u research something, go to a workshop and make a few say 10 then after u make them u can sell them for more than u made them.  i.e make 10 bio-transport modules for $700 apiece and sell them for $950 apiece.  Cool Huh?
  35. uhhh dont get shot {I think this one should go first.  :-).  Webmaster}
  36. When you kill any alien equiped with a brainsucker launcher, either toss a grenade at the corpse or put the brainsucker pods in your backpack. This way you won't have to deal with the brainsuckers.
  37. Early on equip agent's with two machine guns or law pistols.  the hale of fire will kill anything.
  38. For a low risk mission that has high rewards, send one cyborg into the Cult of Sirius and give him a SMG and 4 clips.  As fast as possible, get him underground.  You should be able to take on the whole cult without detonating any precious ammo or weaponry.
  39. A mission is best done with 3 soldiers on aggressive and set to walk around.  Change the settings when it looks like things are getting dangerous (don't be a moron).
  40. When you start a seek and destroy mission, dont go looking for the aliens, instead pick a good place and wait in formation (the front line laying, the next kneeling and the back standing) The aliens will come to you and get shot to hell!, easpecially on crashed UFO missions, i haven't lost a man for ages.  Credit to:  C STONER on this one.
  41. Use toxiguns to take out any aliens armed with personal disrupter shields since the toxiguns bypass the shield's protection.  Thanks to Tom on this one
  42. When killing Multi-worms, have one guy lob a grenade at it set for explosion at end of turn.  Then have all yer guys who sees it unload on the slimey little alien. Just fire enough to cause Mamma ta Pop. Then, when all the kids come out ta play, end the turn.  This way, they don't get any free actions during yer turn.  Roast Worms...Yum. Credit: Cmdr. Rock Hardbody on this one
  43. Much as I like Sniper Rifles <cough>, when ya begin yer game, Loose 'em.  Sell every one

  44. of them and keep one cannon for those raids when ya could care Less about damage to property. Also sell all yer Smoke grenades.  They're more trouble than they're worth.  Buy as many machine guns as you need an buy em out of clips.  Trust me, a machine gun set on auto fire could be all that stands between you and a Dead agent.  You get Much better reaction shots and they are Deadly when used in moderate to large groups.  They should be yer gun of choice until ya get the better stuff.  Credit: Cmdr. Rock Hardbody again!
  45. Let your men fly before ending the turn, so as to avoid being brain-sucked. The brain-sucker might attempt to jump on your man, but never can.
  46. Get a lot of Scientists and stuff early in the game and don't waste research time.
  47. In the begining, instead of using a hawk air warrior, or any other aircraft, use about 4-6 hoverbikes.  There cheaper, and more manuverable.
  48. Use the autocannon w/HE ammo to knock the multiworm unconcious.  HE also works great at killing all of the small worms if she pops. Credit: JTS
  49. Use the Toxin gun when you get it. At one time unit per shot it can't be stopped by their shields.
  50. Remember that items you sell other companies can buy (ie. advanced techs like devastator cannons)

  51. The manual and UFOpaedia say that the Griffin AFC is really tough, but if you attack the Cult of Sirius, then two or more bikes will quickly destroy it. Instead, arm a hover vehicle with a retribution missile launcher and fire, but as soon as it hits, return to base. Credit: Kabaka
  52. If you make your guy float in the middle of no where like 2 floors above ground, most aliens cannot hit you.
  53. Here's a money bug, which I discovered in the game.  This is what you do. first you go to the screen which you assign research/macifacture stuffs, then you click on the engineers tab, then stop what they are doing, then assign them to the job which costs the most, then click "OK", then re-enter the "ASSIGN JOB",  exit pressing "OK", do that a few times, and your money will go up by a bit. But if you do it more often, you get like $100,000 or any amout for nothing much.  Credit!: YXX {Webmaster note: This is pretty cool!  It can't be listed below as a cheat either, 'cause it is something that the game has built in!}
Ok, I know this is crazy to put these here, but here you go, CHEAT CODES!  I haven't tried them personally, but they might work in the full version.  I am sure they work for the demo!
Hold down Alt and type TAC Cheat or Alt and any key "expect T"
Type "I"= God Mode
K=Kill all Hostiles
T=Toggle terrain
V=Toggle Hidden units
W=Toggle weightlessness
to exit Cheats hold Alt and pres ESC
XCOM Counter 3 Cheaters have been here! J/K!