Welcome to JD's Professional Assistance, a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Joseph P. Donahue (Joe), in Kenai, Alaska. JD'S PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE provides professional consulting services, training, and technical assistance to communities, organizations and individuals. More detail on the types of work, some samples, and other links of interest follow:

Hot Links

This will take you to a brief resume for Mr. Donahue.

Client List
This is a brief list of some of JD's clients, with a summary of the types of work done for each.
Strategic Planning
This is a short paper on strategic planning for a community or organization. Variations of this are used by Mr. Donahue in training workshops and in helping communities and organizations complete their own plans.

Other Alaska sites
Since JD's is an Alaska firm and works mostly in Alaska, some useful Alaska sites can be found on this page of links.[Note: This is still under construction]

Business Planning
Joe Donahue of JD's has assisted many individuals and organizations with business planning. He has a full tuition course approved by the state of Alaska for people wishing to learn business planning.  This link will take you to pages that show the course outline, and a workbook on business planning.[Note: At this stage, there is only a brief description of JD's Professional Assistance on this page, the rest is under construction].
Grant Writing
Mr. Donahue has assisted many with grant writing, particularly HUD, ANA, and some state grants. For more information on this and a workbook on grant writing as well as some links for grant resources, follow this link.[This currently has some references for grant sources only, other information will be added].
HUD Assistance
Joe has worked with many Resident Associations in leadership training, grant writing, Board training, and planning efforts. If you follow this link, it will take you to a HUD capacity statement, some links to HUD programs, and a link to federal Notice of Funding Availability announcements.[The links have yet to be added].

In his spare time, Mr. Donahue serves on the state Select Committee on Legislative Ethics. If you follow this link, you will find some papers he has presented on Personal and Organizational Ethics, and a link to the Committee's web page.

Clearly, Joe is a busy person. However, he has a personal life too. If you follow this link, you will find out about his family, his grandson, and his hobbies.

Joe Donahue of JD's Professional Assistance, P.O. Box 1736, Kenai, Alaska 99611 is ready to help you with long term planning, leadership training, business development or grant writing. Write for more information or call 907-283-8051, or fax 907-283-7750.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at jdonahue@alaska.net

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