If you would like to join the list of Alaskan businesses that support the continued use of the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for eco-tourism, recreation and subsistence hunting (not for industrial oil/gas production):
Please provide the following information:
Name of your business
Full names of business owner(s)
Mailing address of your business
Business telephone number
Email address
web site address for your business (if you don't have a web site at this time, we can provide a link to another site that features, describes or promotes your business).
Send the above information by email, phone or US mail to Andy Baker, Owner, Anchorage Guest House, 2001 Hillcrest Drive, Anchorage AK 99517 tel 907-274-0408
When we receive the information, we will confirm with you and then post your business name with web link on the site. There is no cost to join. We are limiting this list to businesses with Alaska Business License who's owners reside in the State of Alaska.
This list will be provided as a voice of the Alaska business community to members of Congress prior to the FY 2006 budget reconciliation in early November 2005.