First Birds in Juneau for 2009
Pictures taken March-04, 14-2009
Pine Siskin, Common Redpolls, and Chestnut Backed Chickadees

Female Pine Siskin on left                            Male Pine Siskin on right

They love the Sunflower Seeds. See female above

Male and Female Common Redpolls

Male Common Redpoll

5 Common Redpolls feeding in the snow.

Beautiful Male Common Redpoll posing for me

Female Common Redpoll

Male Redpoll

Another Common Redpoll on the feeder

Same one as above but good picture.
I am within 3 feet of them on the feeder.

Small Flock of Common Redpolls feeding

Small Flock of Common Redpolls feeding

This is a Male Chestnut Backed Chickadee.
He is quick and hard to take his picture.

Another Male Chestnut Backed Chickadee

Here is an Oregon Junco who showed up around 03-18-2009.
They are quick and hard to take his picture.

A Steller Blue Jay showed up today, 03-24-2009. First one this year.

A Steller Blue Jay. There are at least two of them.

Here is an Oregon Junco 03-24-2009.

Here is a Wilsons Snipe 04-24-2009. It flew into the yard just before dark. I was within 7 feet of it and was luckey enough to take its picture before it flew away.

Here are two sparrows. The one at the top left is a Golden Crowned Sparrow. The one at the bottom and top right are White Crowned Sparrows taken 05-03-2009.

New 03-04-2009
Last Update 05-03-2009