Recipes of the Month


1 box/carton/bowl Vanilla Ice-Cream 
1 growler(64 oz) North Face Extreme Stout 
6 spoons 
6 straws 
6 pint glasses 
5 friends who like good beer 

Put one scoop of Ice Cream into a pint glass.
Pour the beer over the Ice Cream.
Stir if desired, or just drink it as it is.
Share with your friends.
Makes six very happy stout float eaters!

Brother Jim's Borealis IPA Salmon Marinade


From Jim Kaszuba, Borealis Fan

1 C. Olive Oil (Extra Virgin) 
1/4 C Balsamic Vinegar 
1/2 C Borealis IPA 
1 T Tarragon (Fresh Chopped) 
1 t Thyme (Fresh Chopped) 
Chrushed Red Pepper to taste 
Finely Ground Black Pepper to taste 

Mix all ingredients together.
Drink the rest of the IPA in the bottle.
Marinate filets or steaks for 2-4 hours and grill.
Makes enough marinade for one red or silver.

Got a recipe idea?

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Borealis Brewery-1999©Denise Dumouchel