1.  How do I begin an export business?

If you have not already established a business:
First use the local business development center established by the Small Business Administration to

assist beginning entrepreneurs with the fundamentals. To contact the Small Business Development
Center (SBDC), visit the SBA webpage at
http://www.sba.gov This site covers a range of
topics including how to get started, developing a business plan and sources of financing,
or contact:

Ronald Veltkamp
Assistant Director
US Small Business Administration
222 West 8th Ave, Suite 67
Anchorage, AK 99513

Tel (907) 271-4031
Fax (907) 271-4545


Eugenia Wall
UAA Small Business Development Center
430 West 7th Ave.
Suite 110
Anchorage, AK 99501

Tel (907) 274-4031
Fax (907) 274-9524


If you have already established a business and want to start exporting:
Call our offices at (907) 271-6237 for further guidance.