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HOWTO-Booting with Yaboot on PowerPC
Chapter 5 - Yabootconfig: Make It Easy

For initial installation on a machine, you can use yabootconfig to first create a yaboot.conf file and then install everything on your bootstrap partition. Yabootconfig reads the running system's /etc/fstab to determine the kernel location, and detects the location of the 800k Apple_Bootstrap partition. The Debian installer uses yabootconfig behind the scenes in the Make Hard Disk Bootable step.

Normally, the initial boot configuration is created while in a ramdisk installer environment, with the system being installed being mounted under /target or /mnt. To run yabootconfig under these conditions, supply the path to the target system with -t or --chroot option. For example: yabootconfig --chroot /target

The yaboot.conf automatically created by yabootconfig will just control booting of the linux system under which it was created. To boot additional OS's or add other options, you will need to edit the yaboot.conf file.

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HOWTO-Booting with Yaboot on PowerPC

Version 1.04, Feb 22 2004
Chris Tillman