Alaska is bounded on the north by the Artic Ocean and on the south by the Pacific Ocean. To the east is the land mass of northern Canada and to the west the Bering Sea separates Alaska from Siberia, Russia by 55 miles. Two extensive mountain systems span the Alaskan mainland, and 17 of the 20 highest mountains in the United States are in the 49th state. It has 3 million lakes, 5,000 glaciers and 29 volcanoes. The regional and climate variations in this state are great. The maritine climate of the Aleutian Islands, which stretch a thousand miles across the North Pacific, is dramatically different than the bitter cold winters and hot summers of the continental climate of Alaska's interior.
There are 226 tribes in Alaska, with 7 major Native groups: Tsimpshian; Tlingit; Haida; Athabaskan; Inupiaq; Yup'ik and Aleut.
Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867 for 2 cents an acre. Alaska was admitted to the Union as the 49th state on January 3, 1959. This state is one-fifth the size of the rest of the United States. Alaska's 378,242,560 acres are three times that of France. Alaska is the most sparsely populated state in the Union, with about 1.3 square miles (3.4 km) for every person. The total population is approximately 606,000.
Juneau Daily | Nome Nugget News | Juneau Empire | Journal of Commerce
Alaska Business Monthly | KTUU (NBC) | Alaska Star | Haines Eagle Eye Journal
Other Alaskan Newspapers | More Alaskan Newspapers | Native Network | KTOO
Museums, Universities & Directories
Valdez Museum | Univ of Alaska Museum | State Museum
Alaska Aviation Museum | University of Alaska | Sea Life Center
Phone Directories |
AK Web Site Dir.
Statewide Library Electronic Doorway
Alaska Internet Travel | Tour Alaska | Alaskan Center
The Arctic Circle | Alaska Visitors Association | Alaska Guide | Alaska Online
Midnight Sun | Kenai Resources Network | Alaska Railroad
Alaska Marine Highway | 360Alaska
State & City Information
State of Alaska | Valdez | Homer | Kodiak | Ketchikan | Nome
Southeast Alaska | Fairbanks CVB | Municipality of Fairbanks | Sitka
Anchorage Chamber of Commerce | Anchorage CVB | Municipality of Anchorage
Anchorage Walking Tour | Haines | Kenai | Chicken | Talkeetna
Science & Issues
Artic Studies Center | ANWR | Exxon Valdez | Volcano Observatory
WolfSong | Alaska Maps | Alaska Weather | Alaska Fish & Wildlife
HAARP | Genealogy & History | Klondike Gold Rush | Sperm Whale Project
Aurora Research | Legal Issues
UAA Seawolves Sports | Alaska Extreme Sking | Anchorage Bucs Baseball
Mat-Su Miners Baseball | Fur Rondy '97 | Iditarod | Anchorage Aces Hockey
Fairbanks Goldpanners Baseball | Kenai Oilers Baseball
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