Eric at Work!

The projects that take up most of my time between donuts.

This polar bear got too close to the town of Brevig Mission!
North Slope Borough Water and Sewer Project
The design and construction of complete water and sewer treatment
and distribution/collection systems for the communities of
Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsuit, Point Hope, Point Lay,
and Wainwright.
I'm was working on the final package of the Wainwright system,
and the second package (distribution/collection) of Point Hope. This
summer LCMF will begin the designs for Atqasuk, Kaktovik, and Nuiqsuit.
The design for Wainwright and Point Hope is also being done by ASCG,
Incorporated (my former employer), and CH2M Hill is designing the
systems for Anaktuvuk Pass and Point Lay.
Almost all of the villages sit on top of thick (up to 1800 feet)
permafrost. In most villages, the trenches will be dug during
the winter using a rock-saw, which is a 18 foot long, 2 foot wide
chainsaw. Control of its "blade" is assisted by a survey laser,
resulting in less than an inch error.
Insulated high density polyethelyne (HDPE) pipe is butt fused above ground
to be placed in the trenched later. HDPE is resistant to corrosion, and in
case of a system failure, water freezing will not damage the pipe. To help
prevent freezing the
sewer pipes are electrically heat traced, and the water distribution
lines are in loops, so the water is constantly in motion.
The walls of the trenches dug in frozen ground are like stone. The manholes
are prefrabicated with piping and shipped to the North Slope. Flange connections
and thermo-fusion couples are used to join pipe runs in the trenches.
In most of the villages the water is from a surface source that is available for
only ~14 weeks a year. The treatment / storage system is designed to treat and
store the water needed for an entire year in only 12 weeks.
Elmendorf Hospital
One of the largest builings in the state, the new Elmendorf Composite Medical
Facility is designed to withstand a 9.0 earthquake! When I'm not working
on the NSB water and sewer project, I reviewed/designed the seismic bracing on the
process, heating, medical, drainage, and utility piping in the hospital for
Pan-American Engineering and Botting / Poole & Kent Mechanical Contractors.
That's a whole lot of pipes.
Nunapitchuk Sewage Improvements
At Montgomery Watson, we just completed an upgrade to the sewage treatment systems for East and West Nunapitchuk.
The systems consist of a long term detention lagoon, where during one year of detention,
primary and secondary treatment occurs through settling and anaerobic digestion. Then in the
fall of every year, the surrounding wetlands are used to perform tertiary treatment by discharging
the lagoon effluent through a 400 ft long HDPE manifold. The effluent will be as good as that from a
mechanical lagoon, with a very low cost to operate.
Leachate Modelling
In order to determine whether a liner was necessary for a proposed landfill, we used a three dimensional
advection/dispersion model to simulate the tranport of contaminates through the
aquifer below the landfill. A visual basic engine using Excel calculated the contaminant
concentrations from the staggered use of 8 landfill cells over a ~30 year period. The model
also accounted for the uncertainty inherent in some parameters through a sensitivity analysis.
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