P.O. Box 795

Soldotna, AK 99669



To contact us:

Phone: 907 262-2897

Fax: 907-262-7332

Email: sohireunion1982@yahoo.com

Hello to all of you!!!!


This web site, as simple as it is, was created by Helen and Stephanie while consuming multiple pots of coffee and cookie while having the most enormous belly laughs only one can imagine if you know us.

 We hope that you have received the information packets that were sent to you.  If you have any addresses of missing classmates, please e-mail us, just click on missing classmates.

If have any ideas or requests, please feel free to let us know, and good luck in trying to get you way!!

No we have not changed a bit:)






SoHi Reunion


20 YEARS!!!