- 1983
- First CD player made available through technology
developed by Sony and Philips.
- CD's are created, and read, with the use
of lasers. A rough analogy is that of a record styllus
reading the groves in a record. CD's do not actually read
the analog sound waves as records do. This is why they
have low distortion and excellent sound quality. CD's use
a kind of morse code (binary, the language of computers)
made up of 1's and 0's to produce a certain note or
chord. They are 16-bit recorded and can hold up to 74
minutes of music. Some more advanced CD's can hold 80
minutes today.
Digital Audio Tape, or DAT, introduced by
- An alternative to recording sound on a CD.
This is the method most used by profressionals who mix
their own music and by sound studios. Its high price
makes it mostly a tool for professtionals. It works the
same way as a normal magnetic tape.
Sony introduced the D-88 Pocket Discman capable of playing
3-inch compact discs (CD-Singles) introduced in 1987.
- This was the first real portable CD-player. It uses the
same principles as the stationary one, but some
protection is added so the disc doesn't skip.