Dennis McKenzie, aka the VRGroup, aka Protienman
I've been virtual worldbuilding since 1993 when I discovered Rend386, a virtual world creation software package written by Bernie Roehl and Dave Stampe. Although I was one of the first to make actual money at VRML world creation during my stint at Aereal, Inc. the opportunities to make a decent living at VRML are still minimal so I remain a dedicated hobbyist, earning my living elsewhere. My VRML toolset consists of MODit, an old point to point modeler, VRealm, and notepad.
VRASP Best of All Possible Worlds:
1st place individual world.
1st place team world (AOL community world project).
WebFX Cool Worlds
Proteinman's Top Ten (even if I did give the award to myself)
No awards! :( I entered SGI's VRML excellence awards with A&B2, I don't think they saw it :)
Buzz.wrl contender-1st contest
Buzz.wrl contender-2nd contest
Buzz.wrl contender 3rd week
Buzz.wrl contender 7th week (always a bridesmaid)
Group Projects
Univar-a multiuser community
IrishSpace-Mars Colony
VRMLDream-the Athenians