The Valdez Small Boat Harbor is an essential
economic development resource for our coummuity, serving as a
significant stimulus for tourism and maritime industries. Valdez
Small Boat Harbor is a member of the Alaska Association of Harbormasters
and Port Administrators (URL),
Pacific Coast Congress of Harbormasters and Port Managers (URL) and International
Marina Institute (URL).
Our Vision for Valdez Small Boat
Harbor is to:
- Provide outstanding customer service founded
on mutual respect, information sharing, and active involvement
of harbor users.
- Provide diverse facilities and service
to meet the recreational and maritime industry needs of our local
residents and visitors.
- Provide and maintain existing infrastucture
to service related marine industries.
- Protect the community's investment by
providing quality facility maintenance.
- Actively work to coordinate local harbor
services with other public and private agencies in order to avoid
duplication of services.
- Build and maintain partnerships to optimize
funding and facility resources and to improve harbor facilities.
- Provide safe, effective, and economically
sound management of public resources.
- Utilize best management practices to insure
compliance with regulatory agencies.