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America Stole 2 things from Europe
My Stepmother just returned from a tour of Eastern Europe and was disgusted by two things:
Neuschwanstein Castle
1. Walt Disney totally copied the plans of a castle called Neuschwanstein. They not only modeled it after it, they flat-out copied every aspect of it. If it is fantasyland, why couldn't they fantasize their own castle design?! Pathetic!
Budweiser, Czech Republic
2. Anheuser-Busch flat out stole the name "Budweiser" from a town in Czechoslovakia! There was a huge lawsuit and AB was allowed to keep the trademark. They tried to buy the name from the town.. They raised the price, up and up, but the townspeople said no. Now they are trying to get the town to change their name to something else. They are pumping all kinds of "hush money" into the town- whether it is through the Boy Scouts or the local library.
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