The Brann Family Homepage

[Updated 2/20/00]

You have arrived at the Brann Family's Homepage in Homer, Alaska. Here you will find information about us, the Branns, including personal and professional information such as what we like to do for fun, where we work (or hope to work), and what our current adventures might be. The site is divided among each family member: click on a name to go to information about that person. The What's New! category includes pointers to any recently updated information. The General category includes information regarding general Brann family stuff, such as pets and cabins. Enjoy your stay!

Please choose:

BallWhat's New!
BallGeneral Brann Family Stuff
BallDave the Daring
BallMolly the Magnificent
BallJosh, the First Son
BallGarrett, the Prodigous Son

What's New!

Josh's new life in Washington D.C.

Josh's new job!
Bits and pieces of Josh's personal page! (including a picture of Josh and Victoria)
More color on Josh's pages!
Pictures of Thunder and Lightning!
Back and top arrows!

Pictures of Dave and Molly, and improved buttons on Josh's page!


General Brann Family Stuff

We have a log cabin out in the woods that we built. We call it the Fox Creek Cabin, because it is near Fox Creek, which runs into Kachemak Bay near its head. We have two pets, Thunder and Lightning. Lightning is our cat and has been around since June of 1982 when we moved from Ninilchik to Homer. He is a very old, wise and experienced cat. We found Thunder, our husky dog, running down the road near the dump when she was probably just a few weeks old. We picked her up and despite attempts to find her owner and Dave's initial protests, she has remained with us for nine years.

UpTop | Created 12/4/99 | Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Email the Branns at