Computer How To's
Using WinZip
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Note: If you do not have already have WinZip installed, you can go to the download page to read about downloading the WinZip Utility program.
Using the WinZip Utility program
1. Double click the .zip file you want to extract and WinZip will open. If you have not paid for the program yet, you will have click the "Agree" to the shareware agreement.
2. If it isn't in the Wizard mode, select that.
3. By default the first option will be selected, "Unzip or install from an existing zip file".
4. Click Next.
5. The next window will show the file you're extracting, and below that a text box named "selected folder". The default setting is C:\unzipped\filename.
6. If this is what is showing click "Unzip Now" (recommended), OR
7. Use the "Select different folder" button to change the unzipped file location if you like. This will open an Explorer type interface (the pathway to your file location). Select the folder you want to use for the files once they are unzipped. I think it is best to use a folder you have created for your files just because it is easier to find later.
8. Then click "Unzip Now".
9. Once the files are unzipped, click "close" on the Wizard.The Unzipped folder will be open on your desktop. You can drag an Icon from the folder to your desktop and create a shortcut to the file.
Ready to download and install a real zipped program file?
This is a really cool free Picture Viewer program called Irfanview. Click Here for the download page. Want to see some more pictures about how to do this? Click Here
I hope this helps!
Home Page Download WinZip Help for Downloading WinZip
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