The Naknek River 2012

I was also able to spend some time on the Naknek River with both Chris Pettine and John Hamilton in late September and mid-October of 2012 during my vacation from Afghanistan.  When I was there with Chris, in September, the weather was cold and rainy.  The Naknek River was higher than I had ever seen it.

Still, we were able to catch a few decent Rainbow Trout.  None of the Trophy Fish, but several in the 24 - 26 inch range.  Here is a nice 25 inch Rainbow that I caught on a Black Articulated Leech.
Ben with Naknek River Rainbow Trout

Naknek River Rainbow Trout Most Naknek River Rainbow Trout are very silvery.  I believe this is because they spend so much of their lives in Naknek Lake.

This fat Rainbow Trout has been feeding on Sockeye Salmon Eggs and Flesh for the past month.

Chris was struggling with a bad shoulder on this trip, but he was still able to find a few really nice fish.

Here Chris is landing a nice 20 inch Rainbow Trout from the Naknek River.
Chris with Naknek River Rainbow Trout

Ben with Rainbow Trout In October, when John and I visited the Naknek River, the weather was much, much better.  Although, the water was still about the same - very, very high!.

Even though the weather was good, the fishing was still very tough on the Naknek River.  John and I only caught a handful of fish during the two days that we fished the Naknek River.
However, John was able to find one of the true treasures of the Naknek River.  Using a Black Articulating Leech, John hooked into this very special Rainbow Trout.

This fish measured 31 inches long and 17 inches around.
John with BIG Rainbow Trout

John with 31 inch Rainbow Trout What a BEAST!!!  This was, by far, the largest Rainbow Trout that John has ever caught.  To be honest, it may have been bigger than any I have caught, as well!

There are only a handful of rivers in the World that host Rainbow Trout like this.  The Naknek River is a very special place.

There are many fisherman who have fished their whole lives in Alaska, but have never caught a Rainbow Trout like this beauty.

This video captures the moment that John released this BEHEMOTH back to the Naknek River.

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 268-9334
Revised -- 26 December 2012
PO Box 424  King Salmon AK  99613