Fishing The Naknek River in March 2010

The month of February was the coldest month of the Winter.   Temperatures dropped to -20F for several weeks and the Naknek River locked back up with ice.   However, the long days of March brought warmer weather and the Naknek River once again became fishable.

On March 20th (last day of Winter), I had a great day of action.  This Buck is the largest Rainbow Trout I have caught in the Naknek River so far.   He measured 29 inches.

A recurring theme in King salmon, this was the first Fish of any kind that I have caught in Alaska during the month of March.
Big Male Rainbow Trout

Naknek River in March Though the temperature never got above about 35F, March 20th was a gorgeous day to be on the river.

This is the lowest that I have seen the Naknek River since I have been here.   Mike thought that it is lower than usual.

This fat Hen was about to burst.   These fish will be spawning in just a few weeks.   Most of the Rapids Section is closed to fishing from April 10th to June 10th to protect them.

All the fishing was done from the Boat on this day.   This Rainbow Trout was a respectable 28 inches.
Ben with Hen Rainbow Trout
Underwater Rainbow Trout The first day of Spring 2010 was another wonderful opportunity to be out on the water.  The Fish were not quite as willing as the last day of Winter, but still there were a few aggressive fish around.

This underwater photo gives a different perspective of these beautiful Fish.  The Fly is a 3 inch Articulated Black Bunny Leech with an olive collar and chartreuse head.  The water this time of the year is remarkably clear.

This big Male hit the Fly hard and began tearing off line into my backing.  I thought for certain that he would be my first 30 inch Naknek Rainbow Trout.  He was 29 inches.  Still, a great fish.

The day started off pretty chilly.  There was a constant battle to keep ice out of the guides.  But, when said and done, the first day of Spring 2010 ended up sunny and fairly warm.
Ben with 29 inch Buck

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 347-9630
Revised -- 21 Mar 2010
PO Box 424  King Salmon AK  99613